Cymatics Lofi Bundle WAV MiDi|Samples, instruments, loops, multitrack, acapella, MIDI, SF, Akai|984MB


Gems Vol 22-Lofi旋律
我们最受欢迎的旋律系列又回来了!宝石卷 22充满了令人难以置信的经过模拟处理的Lofi风格的旋律。


Gems Vol 22 Lofi Melodies规格:

1.4 GB

Lofi-Guitar Loops Vol 2

我们决定为每个人都放另一把吉他包,因为每个人都喜欢Lofi Guitars Vol。1.在内部,您会发现各种经过模拟处理的吉他循环,非常适合创建受lofi启发的音轨。

Lofi Guitar Loops Vol 2规格:
285.5 MB


,与以往相比,我们对这些新钢琴样本的处理方式大不相同,与专业钢琴家合作创作了完整的作品,而不仅仅是“循环” 。

205.8 MB

Producer Week: Lofi Bundle
A new collection of unique melodies, guitar loops, and piano compositions perfect for Lofi music

Gems Vol 22 – Lofi Melodies
Our most popular melody series is back! Gems Vol. 22 is packed full of incredible analog processed Lofi style melodies.

The team got a bunch of new gear recently to work on these so they came out sounding extra unique this time around. Each melody loop comes with its own stems and MIDI file, so you have a lot more to work with when it comes to making your next track.

Gems Vol 22 Lofi Melodies specs:

20 samples
1.4 GB
.WAV (works in any music software)
100% royalty free

Lofi – Guitar Loops Vol 2
Our latest collection of incredibly warm & nostalgic lofi guitar samples

We decided to drop another guitar pack for everyone, since everybody loved Lofi Guitars Vol. 1. Inside you’ll find a variety of analog processed guitar loops, all perfect for creating lofi inspired tracks.

Lofi Guitar Loops Vol 2 specs:
30 samples
285.5 MB
.WAV (works in any music software)
100% royalty free

Boom – Piano Compositions
Professionally recorded full-length piano compositions, each packed with tons of emotion

We approached these new piano samples a lot differently than we have in the past, working with a professional pianist to create full length compositions rather than just “loops”.

Bloom Piano Compositions specs:
10 samples
205.8 MB
.WAV (works in any music software)
100% royalty free


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