
Melodic Dubstep是一个令人震撼的未来派声音收藏,它以创新的预设,一流的构造套件,强大的琴杆,动听的音圈,精确的鼓采样,精心制作的MIDI等包装到帽沿。

我们创建此套件的目的是为了提出可以突破Melodic Dubstep创作界限的前沿思想。

由Surge Sounds的顶级制作人精心设计的这些创新音色,您一定可以通过即时创意轻松地进行将来的制作。

该音色库的概念是受Melodic Dubstep的创新者(如“七狮王”和“ Au5”)启发而来的,其基础是对他们的艺术风格和音质进行了质量研究。

该版本包含针对Xfer Serum和NI Massive的140个创新预设,5个顶级构造套件,185个强大的杆,571个接合环,54个精确的鼓样本,81个精心制作的旋律和鼓MIDI,所有这些都准备就绪,可让您轻松投入使用。

在每个预设上分配了4个Xfer Serum宏和8个NI Massive宏,您可以始终在创意区中进行调整,以使其与您的艺术声音相匹配。



Melodic Dubstep, a mind blowing collection of futuristic sounds, packed to the brim with innovative presets, top notch construction kits, powerful stems, engaging loops, precise drum samples, carefully crafted MIDI & more!

We created this pack to draw out cutting-edge ideas that will push the creative boundaries of Melodic Dubstep.

With these innovative sounds carefully designed by Surge Sounds’s top producers, you’ll be sure to ease into your future productions with instant creativity.

The concept behind this sound bank was inspired by Melodic Dubstep innovators like Seven Lions & Au5 and was built upon quality research of their artistic style and sonic character.

This release comes with 140 innovative presets for Xfer Serum & NI Massive, 5 top notch Construction kits, 185 powerful stems, 571 engaging loops, 54 precise drum samples, 81 carefully crafted melodic & drum MIDI all production-ready for you to easily dive into.

With 4 macros for Xfer Serum & 8 macros for NI Massive assigned on every preset you can always stay in your creative zone while tweaking to match them your artistic sound.

We guarantee that what you hear in the demo is exactly what you’ll get so grab this pack today and start producing some ground breaking tracks with these melodic sounds!


128 Xfer Serum Presets
29 Leads
25 Basses
25 Plucks
18 Synths
14 Pads
8 FXs
7 Keys
2 Guitars
10 Custom Wavetables
1 Noise Sample
4 Macros on every preset
Xfer Serum 1.214 or higher is required.

12 NI Massive Presets
4 Basses
4 Pads
2 Plucks
1 Lead
1 Synth
8 Macros on every preset
NI Massive 1.3 or higher is required.

5 Construction Kits
Kit 1 Am 140 Bpm
Kit 2 G#m 150 Bpm
Kit 3 Cm 100 Bpm
Kit 4 F 138 Bpm
Kit 5 C# 110 Bpm


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