与Ad Brown(Silk Royal,Enhanced Recordings,Armada)合作制作的影片,我们很自豪地展示了真正的下一代渐进式房屋样本库。

Ad以其精确构建的,令人回味的音景而闻名世界,并迅速在当今的进步场景中吸引了许多人的注意。像萨莎(Sasha),尼克沃伦(Nick Warren)和戴夫希曼(Dave Seaman)这样的编舞大师都是热心的支持者,那些富有前瞻性的发呆军团主义者例如费里·科斯滕(Ferry Corsten)和加雷斯·埃默里(Gareth Emery)。对此,Ad迅速成为许多A级明星的首选渐进混音器,其中包括:厄舍尔(Esher),蒂奇·史翠德(Tinchy Stryder),狄安(Dionne Bromfield),洛伊克·埃辛(Loick Essien)等。

该样本库包含鼓舞人心的鼓声循环,制作工具包,鼓/ fx单拍和庞大的MIDI库的新集合,这些库肯定会使您的创意源源不断(相信我们!)。

所有文件都整齐地组织在自己的唯一子文件夹中,并且所有文件均已命名和编号,因此您可以在这些创意工作室会议中快速找到它们。还为所有鼓循环提供REX文件,以便轻松集成到Propellerheads Reason和REX兼容采样器中。


5X构造套件(125 BPM)(包括所有音频茎和MIDI文件)
5X构造套件(128 BPM)(包括所有音频茎和MIDI文件)


66x FX Hits


197个125 BPM鼓循环文件(60个完全独特的循环+打击乐循环+变奏)
206x 128 BPM鼓循环文件(60x完全独特的循环+打击乐循环+变奏)
27个125 BPM附加打击乐循环(完全唯一)
25个128 BPM附加打击乐循环(完全唯一)
10个125 BPM附加振动器循环
10个128 BPM附加振动器循环


20个低音循环(125 BPM)
20个低音循环(128 BPM)
32个Synth循环(125 BPM)
32个Synth循环(128 BPM)
10X琶音循环(125 BPM)
11个琶音循环(128 BPM)
20x Vox Hits(一枪样本)


47x Reecequences

Produced in collaboration with Ad Brown (Silk Royal, Enhanced Recordings, Armada), we are proud to present a true next generation progressive house sample library.

Ad is well known worldwide for his precision-built, evocative soundscapes that have quickly found the ears of many in todays progressive scene. Prog maestros like Sasha, Nick Warren & Dave Seaman are ardent supporters, as are forward-thinking trance legionnaires like Ferry Corsten and Gareth Emery. Testament to this, Ad quickly became the progressive remixer of choice for many A-list stars including; Usher, Tinchy Stryder, Dionne Bromfield, Loick Essien and many more.

This sample library contains a fresh collection of inspirational drum loops, construction kits, drum/fx one shots and a huge MIDI library that is sure to get your creative juices flowing (you have our word on it!).

All files are neatly organised into there own unique sub folders, and all files named and numbered so you can find them quickly during those creative studio sessions. REX files are also provided for all drum loops, for easy integration into Propellerheads Reason and REX compatible samplers.

Construction Kits

5X Construction Kits (125 BPM) (All audio stems + MIDI files included)
5X Construction Kits (128 BPM) (All audio stems + MIDI files included)

Drum Hits

50x Claps & Snares
50x Hats
50x Kicks
59x Percussion Samples
66x FX Hits

Drum/Percussion Loops

197x 125 BPM Drum Loops files (60x Fully Unique Loops + Percussion Loops + Variations)
206x 128 BPM Drum Loops files (60x Fully Unique Loops + Percussion Loops + Variations)
27x 125 BPM Additional Percussion Loops (Fully Unique)
25x 128 BPM Additional Percussion Loops (Fully Unique)
10x 125 BPM Additional Shaker Loops
10x 128 BPM Additional Shaker Loops

Melodic Loops

20x Bass Loops (125 BPM)
20x Bass Loops (128 BPM)
32x Synth Loops (125 BPM)
32x Synth Loops (128 BPM)
10X Arpeggio Loops (125 BPM)
11x Arpeggio Loops (128 BPM)
13x Synth Shots (One Shot Samples)
20x Vox Hits (One Shot Samples)

MIDI Library

58x Arpeggio Sequences
20x Bass Sequences
43x “Canadian” Progressive Sequences
258x “Chord Progression” Sequences
64x Pad Chord Progression Sequences
34x Progressive Stab Sequences
47x Reecequences


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