重量级tr制作人Dave Parkinson又回来了,对他传奇的“ Trance Essentials”样本包进行了重要的跟进。 Dave Parkinson Future Trance Essentials包含19 Gb以上未压缩的一流tr制作内容,包括打击乐,架子鼓循环,合成器循环,低音循环,FX,预设等,这些都是舞蹈音乐界最受追捧的制作人/工程师之一。内容涵盖了未来的进步风格(80年代,深和“ Prydz”启发的进步风格)的组合,充分体现了Team 140风格,技术-,psy ance和深度/进步,但是由于诸如此类,在Synthwave和techno等类型中同样可用BPM涵盖范围广泛。


Heavy weight trance producer Dave Parkinson is back with a momentous follow up to his legendary “Trance Essentials” sample pack. Dave Parkinson Future Trance Essentials contains 19+ Gb of uncompressed first-class trance production content including drum hits, drum loops, synth loops, bass loops, FX, presets and more from one of the most sought after producer/engineers in the dance music scene. The content covers a combination of future progressive (80’s, deep and ‘Prydz’ inspired progressive), full on Team 140 style, tech-trance, psy trance and deep/progressive, but is equally usable in genres such as Synthwave and techno due to the wide range of BPM’s covered.

With this sample pack we wanted to truly build on the solid foundations of the first pack but go a step further. This time round each bass loop has a corresponding synth loop, with each ‘element’ being carefully keyed and BPM labelled for ease of use. Additionally the drum loops are now broken down further with dedicated hi-hat, percussion, shaker and techno percussion loops included, allowing for more comprehensive mixing and matching than was previously possible. First off we have a complete and comprehensive sample pack containing thousands of drum one shots (kicks, open hats, closed hats, snares, cymbals, percussion, etc.), hundreds of drum, percussion/top loops, a highly comprehensive FX section (all neatly categorised, named and labelled), actual ‘usable’ melodic and bass line loops (each provided with associated MIDI files and in most cases patches), hundreds of synth, bass and stab one shots, synth presets and much more. Every sample is clearly named and numbered with appropriate BPM and key labelling information appended to each filename. Along with this, all files are carefully categorized into a well thought out folder structure in classic Freshly Squeezed Samples style, so it’s both quick and easy to find the sound you are looking for in during those late night studio sessions.


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