SPECTRA最初只是一个小包装想法。最初的想法是制作几百种奇怪的频谱声音并在COVID锁定期间释放它们,但是我越努力,我越想:“为什么不只是挖掘硬盘并放置所有声音设计?我在这里躺着,然后把它变成一个大包装?” 我做到了!因此,尽管该包仍然保留了SPECTRA这个名称,但现在它包括了鼓,断点,贝司,合成器,立管,SFX,人声,乐器录音以及您能想到的其他任何东西的文件夹(哦……还有一些奇怪的频谱声音)。

结果是一个巨大的1.5 GB,1,358个样本,多合一,瑞士军刀型,周全的样本,如果您想问问它的话,也会擦拭u有望满足您所有电子音乐写作需求(甚至可能包括某些电影/游戏/ UI音频需求)的包装。





超过1.5GB的高质量WAV 24位样本。精心制作和完善,专注于低音音乐。

  • 1.6GB 24bit Wav Files
  • 185 Bass Samples
  • 98 Kicks
  • 89 Snares & Claps
  • 235 Drum Fills / Loops
  • 409 FX Samples
  • 42 Instrumental Samples
  • 252 Synth Loops, One-shots
  • 19 Vocal Samples
  • 21 Construction Kit Loops
  • 60 Midi Clips


SPECTRA started as a small pack idea. Originally, the idea was to make a few hundred strange spectral sounds & release them during the COVID lockdowns, but the more I worked on it, the more I thought “Why not just dig through my hard-drives & put all the sound-design I have laying around in here & turn this into a mega-pack” which I did! So although the pack still retains the name SPECTRA, it now includes folders of drums, breaks, basses, synths, risers, SFX, vocals, instrumental recordings, and anything else you can think of really (oh… and some weird spectral sounds).

The result is a monstrous 1.5 gigabyte, 1,358-sample, all-in-one, swiss-army-knife-type, well-rounded, will-even-wipe-for-u-if-u-ask-it-nicely sample pack that should hopefully meet all your electronic music writing needs (and probably even some of your film/game/UI audio needs).

I’ve personally been using this pack for the last few months in my personal projects & I can safely say that if I really needed to I could quite happily live on this pack alone. It’s my desert island sample pack for sure.

Anyway, enough about how much I truly enjoy this pack from a personal perspective I really just hope that you also enjoy it & if you do, you should tell your buddies because every time someone buys this – it helps me! (especially during COVID whilst shows aren’t happening).


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