Inspiration Sounds创作的“经典90年代之屋”是一段旅程,回到了房屋的黄金时代,它被封装在充满活力和魅力的氛围中,汇集了各种免版税的套环和样本。


“ Classic 90s House”基于五个构建套件,其中装有各种制作工具和样本类型,例如循环,单发,MIDI文件和人声,具有诸如贝斯,标志性鼓机等类型的基本音源。 ,钢琴,风琴,模拟合成器,吉他等等。







•5个构建套件(循环/一 击/ MIDI /人声)
•44.1 kHz / 24位
•兼容PC / Mac


‘Classic 90s House’ by Inspiration Sounds is a journey back to the golden era of House encapsulated within the vibrant and glamourous vibe of a diverse and colourful collection of royalty-free loops and samples.

The reminiscent yet modern elements of this retro futuristic pack will fill your productions with a mixture of nostalgia and optimism, filling the airwaves with the positive and loving spirit that remains so essential to the origins of this genre. Supplied in a range of formats, this pack is a must for producers looking to inject a little retro into their productions.

‘Classic 90s House’ is based on five Construction Kits loaded with all sorts of production tools and sample types, such as loops, One-Shots, MIDI files, and vocals, featuring essential sound sources of the genre such as bass, iconic drum machines, pianos, organs, analog synths, guitars, and way more.

Grab this pack now and faithfully recreate the sound of one of the most popular, enduring and sought-after Electronic music genres with ‘Classic 90s House’, a sample library that will take you back to the Summer of Love’s aftermath with its characteristic penchant for good vibes and endless groove filled hedonism.

The producer of this pack is an accomplished veteran musician and producer with a vast knowledge of the Sample industry and qualified like few others to capture the “feeling” of classic 90s House as he himself lived it. Everything was programmed with authenticity in mind. All files are key and tempo tagged, and formatted to integrate seamlessly with major sequencers such as Cubase, Ableton, Logic and more.

Whether you’re looking to re-capture the authentic sound of classic 90s House, or looking to take this sound into new and uncharted waters, this unique pack is sure to inspire you.


All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

Product Details:

• 5 Construction Kits (Loops/One-Shots/MIDI/Vocals)
• Over 150 Unique Loops & One-Shots
• ACIDized WAV Files
• MIDI Files Included
• Loops sync to BPM
• 44.1 kHz/24-Bit
• PC/Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)


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