MEGAPACK警报!!!HighLife Samples拥有精选的EDM构造套件,循环和预置,将全力以赴,保证让您在可预见的未来都忙个不停……
HighLife Samples拥有超过3GB的可用内容,可提供最大的样本库之一在市场上以同样的质量发布,您可以期待EDM领域的顶级品牌。HighLife Samples电子舞曲捆绑


我们添加了很多声乐排练和小故障,Trance midis,Spire和Sylenth1预设以及庞大的Drum Loops包。有关更多信息,请阅读下面的包装内容。



•8xProgressive House / Trance构造套件

MEGAPACK ALERT!!! HighLife Samples is going ALL OUT with a bundle of select EDM construction kits, loops and presets, guaranteed to keep you busy making hits for the foreseeable future…
Weighing in at more than 3GB of usable content, HighLife Samples delivers one of the largest sample libraries on the market and with the same quality release you have come to expect from the top brand on the EDM scene.HighLife Samples Electronic Dance Music Bundle

This pack has it all! You will find construction kits for Progressive House, Trance and Big Room, including all elements such as Bass Melodies, Chords, Vocal chops, Drum Loops and FX. Let’s not forget, we give away all Instrumental Loops in midi form as well as wav for your own convenience and creative freedom

We have added a large selection of vocal chops and glitches, Trance midis, Spire and Sylenth1 presets and a huge Drum Loops pack. For more info please read the pack content below.

What’s more, everything you get is Royalty Free! Buy once and use in any of your projects in as many combinations as you want. Compatible with all DAWs and usable in more projects and genres than you can imagine.

Pack Content:

  • 3.17GB of Samples
  • 1670 Files
  • 296xMidi Files
  • 930xDrum Loops
  • 49xSylenth Presets
  • 50xSpire Presets
  • 23x Big Room Construction Kits
  • 10xTrance Construction Kits
  • 8xProgressive House/Trance Construction Kits
  • 1xCubase Template
  • 53 Vocal Chop Loops
  • 10xVocal Glitch Loops


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