DISCOVER |[WAV, MiDi, Synth Presets][EDM电子舞曲素材Serum预置]| 1.56 GB

通过这种创新的声音包,发现“未来弹跳”的无限创意可能性! Surge Sounds背后的团队一直致力于提供创新和非凡的声音,将当前的界限推向新的极限。

每种声音的灵感都来自一流的艺术家,例如Br​​ooks,Mesto和Mike Williams,还有那么多杀手级的Future Bounce音调都在那里。 Future Bounce 2装有128个有效的Xfer Serum预设,旨在将您的Future Bounce生产提高到一个新的水平。

通过在每个预设上分配4个Xfer Serum宏,您可以始终在创意区域中进行调整,以使其与您的艺术声音相匹配。


试想一下,如果您可以使用与所有Future Founce顶级制作人相同的预设质量,那么您将立即参加音乐节!


格式:(.WAVs)和(.MIDIs)和(.Synthesizer VSTi预设)
128 x(。合成器VSTi预设)用于(Xfer Records Serum)
045 x(铅)声音
039 x(低音)声音
018 x(Plucks)声音
010 x(合成器)声音
006 x(按键)声音
005 x(黄铜)声音
003 x(音序)声音
001 x(鼓)声音
001 x(吉他)声音
004 x(每个预设都有微距)
要求:Xfer Records Serum v1.214 +或更高版本。
003 x构造套件-(包括:(No-SC / Dry)(.Stems / Loops),(.Drum One-Shots)样本,(.MIDIs)文件
003 x混合与掌握的FullMix /预览演示-(.WAVs)
068 x(湿/干)(韵律)茎:
020 x(铅)
014 x(低音)
008 x(插针)
006 x(Synths巴士)
006 x(Voxs)
004 x(Subs)
003 x(Synths No Bass巴士)
002 x(Synths No Bass and Leads Bus)
002 x(Guitars)
002 x(钢琴)
001 x(咆哮)
036 x鼓茎
009 x(全鼓)
006 x(拍手)
005 x(踢)
004 x(乘车)
003 x(Snares)
003 x(鼓填充)
003 x(整鼓)
002 x(打击乐)
001 x(崩溃)
001 x(快照)
021 x FX阀杆:
005 x(噪音)
004 x(提升者)
003 x(环境)
003 x(下滤镜)
003 x(影响)
001 x(FX)
001 x(毛刺)
001 x(乙烯基裂纹)
344 x个体(.WAV)(.Loops)样本文件:
219 x(湿/干)(旋律)循环:
066 x(铅)
034 x(低音)
032 x(Synths巴士)
016 x(插针)
016 x(Voxs)
016 x(Subs)
016 x(Synths No Bass Bus)
008 x(Synths No Bass and Leads Bus)
008 x(钢琴)
004 x(Guitars)
003 x(咆哮声)
094 x鼓循环:
019 x(鼓填充)
015 x(整鼓)
011 x(踢)
011 x(拍手)
010 x(乘车)
009 x(全鼓)
007 x(打击乐)
006 x(踩-)
004 x(Snares)
001 x(快照)
001 x(汤姆)
031 x FX循环:
006 x(氛围)
006 x(下滤镜)
005 x(影响)
004 x(噪音)
004 x(毛刺)
004 x(提升者)
001 x(FX)
001 x(乙烯基裂纹)
035 x单个(.WAV)(.Drum One-Shots)示例文件:
007 x(鼓填充)
006 x(拍手)
005 x(踢)
004 x(帽子)
004 x(乘车)
003 x(Snares)
003 x(打击乐)
001 x(全鼓茎)
001 x(崩溃)
001 x(快照)
027 x Melodic(.MIDIs)循环:
010 x(铅)
007 x(低音)
004 x(插针)
002 x(Subs)
002 x(Voxs)
001 x(吉他)
001 x(钢琴)
025 x鼓(.MIDI)循环:
006 x(拍手)
005 x(踢)
003 x(Snares)
003 x(乘车)
003 x(打击乐)
002 x(踩-)
002 x(鼓填充)
001 x(快照)
44.1kHz / 24位高质量

Discover the limitless creative possibilities for Future Bounce with this innovative pack of sounds! The team behind Surge Sounds is always striving to provide innovative and extraordinary sounds that will push the current boundaries to new limits.

Every sound was inspired by top notch artists like Brooks, Mesto & Mike Williams and so many killer Future Bounce tunes out there. Future Bounce 2 comes loaded with 128 effective Xfer Serum presets geared to boost your Future Bounce productions to the next level.

With 4 macros for Xfer Serum assigned on every preset you can always stay in your creative zone while tweaking to match them your artistic sound.

In addition, this release comes with 3 chart-topping construction kits, 344 powerful loops & 125 top notch stems, 52 engaging melodic & drum MIDI files & 35 crisp drum samples all production-ready for you to dive into and give you an edge in the music scene.

Just imagine when you have access to the same quality of presets as all the top Future Bounce producers have, you’ll be playing at festivals in no time!

Product Specifications:

Format: (.WAVs) & (.MIDIs) & (.Synthesizer VSTi Presets)
128 x (.Synthesizer VSTi Presets) For (Xfer Records Serum)
045 x (Leads) Sounds
039 x (Basses) Sounds
018 x (Plucks) Sounds
010 x (Synths) Sounds
006 x (Keys) Sounds
005 x (Brass) Sounds
003 x (Sequences) Sounds
001 x (Drum) Sound
001 x (Guitar) Sound
004 x (Macros On Every Preset)
Requirements: Xfer Records Serum v1.214+ or higher.
003 x Construction Kits – (Including: (No-SC/Dry) (.Stems/Loops), (.Drum One-Shots) Samples, (.MIDIs) Files
003 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Demos – (.WAVs)
125 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Stems) Samples Files:
068 x (WET/DRY) (Melodic) Stems:
020 x (Leads)
014 x (Basses)
008 x (Plucks)
006 x (Synths Buses)
006 x (Voxs)
004 x (Subs)
003 x (Synths No Bass Buses)
002 x (Synths No Bass And Leads Buses)
002 x (Guitars)
002 x (Pianos)
001 x (Growl)
036 x Drum Stems:
009 x (Full Drum)
006 x (Claps)
005 x (Kicks)
004 x (Rides)
003 x (Snares)
003 x (Drum Fills)
003 x (Full Drums)
002 x (Percussions)
001 x (Crash)
001 x (Snap)
021 x FX Stems:
005 x (Noises)
004 x (Uplifters)
003 x (Ambiences)
003 x (Downfilters)
003 x (Impacts)
001 x (FX)
001 x (Glitch)
001 x (Vinyl Crackle)
344 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops) Samples Files:
219 x (WET/DRY) (Melodic) Loops:
066 x (Leads)
034 x (Basses)
032 x (Synths Buses)
016 x (Plucks)
016 x (Voxs)
016 x (Subs)
016 x (Synths No Bass Bus)
008 x (Synths No Bass And Leads Buses)
008 x (Pianos)
004 x (Guitars)
003 x (Growls)
094 x Drum Loops:
019 x (Drum Fills)
015 x (Full Drums)
011 x (Kicks)
011 x (Claps)
010 x (Rides)
009 x (Full Drum)
007 x (Percussions)
006 x (Hi-Hats)
004 x (Snares)
001 x (Snap)
001 x (Tom)
031 x FX Loops:
006 x (Ambiences)
006 x (Downfilters)
005 x (Impacts)
004 x (Noises)
004 x (Glitches)
004 x (Uplifters)
001 x (FX)
001 x (Vinyl Crackle)
035 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Drum One-Shots) Samples Files:
007 x (Drum Fills)
006 x (Claps)
005 x (Kicks)
004 x (Hats)
004 x (Rides)
003 x (Snares)
003 x (Percussions)
001 x (Full Drum Stem)
001 x (Crash)
001 x (Snap)
027 x Melodic (.MIDIs) Loops:
010 x (Leads)
007 x (Basses)
004 x (Plucks)
002 x (Subs)
002 x (Voxs)
001 x (Guitar)
001 x (Piano)
025 x Drum (.MIDIs) Loops:
006 x (Claps)
005 x (Kicks)
003 x (Snares)
003 x (Rides)
003 x (Percussions)
002 x (Hi-Hats)
002 x (Drum Fills)
001 x (Snap)
687 x Files In Total
Key And Tempo-Labelled
44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
Compatible With All DAWs
100% Royalty-Free


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