

如果你对穆拉·玛莎、埃卡利、塔库、费基或桑戈等艺术家的声音点头,以及选择、雅加达或HW&W等品牌,这是你的幸运日!做好准备的冲击和清脆的TR-808的声音,分层的鼓和合成器,疯狂的喜帽和华丽的鼓模式,所有这些从100到150 bpm的。




HelloSamples is here to spice up your sampler with new delicious Flavours…

As a third taste we have Jawbreaker Beats, a ground-shaking collection of layered sample cuts, loops and MIDI beats exploring new urban styles with our always-present organic texture.

If you nod your head to the sound of artists such as Mura Masa, Ekali, Ta-ku, Feki or Sango and labels such as Selection, Jakarta or HW&W, this is your lucky day! Get ready for that punchy and crisp TR-808 sound, layered drums and synths, crazy hi hat and jazzy drum patterns, all that ranging from 100 to 150bpm’s.

Inside you will find 21 production recipes ready for Ableton and Maschine made of construction kits / MIDI beats with a punchy sound which will make the ground shake: quaking sub kicks, deep TR-808 basses, dope snare rolls, crazy hat lines, arpeggiated leads, raw synths, organic FX elements, vocal chops and of course some smooth electric piano chords…

A total of 600+ different samples and more than 370 WAV loops, make a crunchy and tasty meal for your favourite sampler.

Without further ado, get your toothbrushes ready because this library is sweet and you can’t get enough of it! Aggressive and soft, punchy and groovy, the right balance for your beats.


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