Golden Hip-Hop收集了大量受过耐心烹饪的样本切割,循环和MIDI拍子,这些灵感来自90年代后期的Hip Hop场景。 (贫民窟村庄,J.Dilla,一个叫做Quest的部落,法尔赛德,德拉索尔……)。

在里面你会发现大胆的踢,脆的圈套和眼花缭乱的帽子通过经典的MPC 60 12位取样,然后用温暖的模拟鼓机分层,然后重新放进我们的电脑使用顶部转换器,最终创造了一套松散的醉酒拍。





Golden Hip-Hop is an extensive collection of patiently cooked sample cuts, loops and MIDI beats inspired by the late 90’s Hip Hop scene.
(Slum Village, J.Dilla, A Tribe Called Quest, Pharcyde, DeLaSoul…).

If you are a crate digger always looking for that special scent that emanates from all records of the late golden era, don’t look no further.
Inside you will find bold kicks, crispy snares and dazzling hats sampled at 12 bits through the classic MPC60, then layered down with warm analog drum machines and resampled again into our computers using top converters to finally create a set of loose drunken beats.

As a side dish, we have deep bass tones (acoustic and synthesized) playing groovy lines and finally one of our special courses: silken velvet chords from our electric piano and synths seasoned with our characteristic “needle on wax” crunchy sound.

A total of 600+ different samples and more than 300 WAV loops make a delicious and complete meal for your sampler.

But it doesn’t end here, it also includes 21 production recipes in form of construction kits / MIDI beats ready for Ableton and Maschine, to which you can learn and understand how the late golden era master chefs cooked their own songs.

Without further ado, get your stomachs and samplers ready to make the finest beats!


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