Skrilla 是 XLNT 历史上我们发布的最大和最独特的包。






这个包的整个目标是专注于新的和创新的声音,所有流派的生产者可以使用。我们还在想”Skrillex 在样品包中会使用什么?

Skrilla 充满了咄咄逼人的哑剧声音,独特的和现代的混合陷阱预设,甚至真正的记录乐器。这个包全有。


Skrilla 融合了经典到现代声音的传奇声音,以及我们都知道和热爱的热门歌曲。


Skrilla is the largest and most unique pack we have EVER released in XLNT history.

We started creating Skrilla as a simple sample/preset pack but there was so much content that we ended up creating an ENTIRE production suite!

No-one has come close to recreating the sounds and samples from award winning producer Skrillex.

We all look to him for the next innovative sound. And this is why we have studied his style and production techniques relentlessly for years

After all of our hard work and research we finally found THE common trend.

The secret trend is GENRE-BLENDING. It sounds simple enough but is a huge part in innovating the next big wave.

The entire goal of this pack is to focus on NEW AND INNOVATIVE sounds that producers of all genres can use. We also thought to ourselves “What would Skrillex use in a Sample pack”

Skrilla is packed with aggressive dubstep sounds, Unique and modern hybrid trap presets, and even Real Recorded instruments. This pack has it all.

We wanted to push the limits of what is possible in music production. And we believe we have done it.

Skrilla is fused with legendary sounds of the classic to modern sounds as well as from hits that we all know and love.

Most importantly all of these sounds are royalty free (excluding the bonus project files)


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