所有样本包均包含多样本包,鼓更换包,并且作为奖励,我们还包括从Kontakt 5包中获取的所有单独的麦克风采样(请注意,此包中不包括Drumdrops Kontakt乐器)。 您基本上会得到两包和一些额外的单独麦克风样本。 还包括一个SFZ补丁,该补丁利用了单独的麦克风kontakt样本。 该修补程序符合SFZ 2.0。 此补丁已通过Plogue Sforzando测试。

客户还可以从随附的两包样品中制作自己的补丁。 此包装中有Kontakt 5包装中的样品(分离的套件,Kick和四个室内麦克风样品),以及Multi-Samples组合中的立体声混合样品。 2766立体声样本是根据套件的不同,由近距离,室内和头顶麦克风混合而成。 我们还从Kontakt 5包中提取了30900个样本,可为某些关节和5个圆形知更鸟提供高达30的速度。 对于那些想要一次购买两包或想要从样品中构建自己的贴片的人来说,此包是理想的选择。

The All Samples Pack contains the Multi-sample pack, Drum Replacement pack and as a bonus we also include all the seperate mic samples taken from the Kontakt 5 Pack (Please note we do not include the Drumdrops Kontakt Instrument in this pack). You basically get two packs and some bonus seperate mic samples. Also iincluded is an an SFZ patch which utilises the seperate mic kontakt samples. The patch is SFZ 2.0 compliant. This patch has been tested with Plogue Sforzando.

Customers can also make their own patches from the two packs of samples included. In this pack are the samples from the Kontakt 5 pack (seperate Kit, Kick, and four room mic samples) and the stereo mixed samples found in the Multi-Samples pack. The 2766 stereo samples are mixed from close, room and overhead mics based around the kit. We have also included 30900 samples from the Kontakt 5 pack providing up to 30 velocities for some of the articulations and 5 round robins. This pack is perfect for those who want to purchase two packs in one or those who like to build their own patches from the samples.


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