Thomas Newson的独家家庭音乐制作人包;从他的标志性房屋足迹中知道的首席制作人,例如“工人”,“生活100”,“在俱乐部”,当然还有他2013年的突破纪录“长笛”;将他的音乐签到了所有主要的电子唱片公司,例如Spinnin’,Armada,Musical Freedom,Insomniac等。


精选了1001个样本,56个预设,65个Midi文件和Bonus Project File包以进行最先进的家庭音乐制作,BIG轻描淡写。






3.托马斯·纽森One Shots&FX



Thomas Newson Loops:拥有9种以上不同的Loopers,此部分是样本包的跳动心脏,代表了Thomas Newson的当前声音:

15 x摇环
34 x音乐循环
38 x低音环
99 x Perc循环
75 x踢圈
35 x帽子圈
77 x顶级圈
18 x琶音循环
现在是样本包中我们最喜欢的部分之一,仅在有限的时间内免费提供奖金,Thomas Newson EDM Signature Sounds:这代表Thomas Newson早年爆炸的时候,包括踢腿和来自诸如’长笛’等热门歌曲的样本’&’Pallaroid’。我们很高兴与您分享这些标志性声音的电子舞蹈音乐历史。

24个音乐循环+ 13个Midi文件
14 x踢圈
4个低音循环+ 1个Midi文件
2个Tom Loops
9 x构建
10 x FX

1.滴水128 BPM(EDM)这可能是经典的舞蹈歌曲,也可能是未来几个月趋势中炙手可热的声音。

2.突破126 BPM(未来之家)有了这种未来之家的主角声音和动荡的循环,这绝对是俱乐部的危险。我们迫不及待想听听您从中获得的收益。

3. New Dawn 128 BPM(当前的热舞声)当我们第一次听到此声音时,我们的团队不确定Thomas是否在添加此声音时出错。正确地结束音色,这可能是所有人都会播放的下一首热门歌曲。

4. Justica 128 BPM(部落房屋)对于我们所有的部落房屋爱好者。完成和调整后,这首歌只是下一级别的歌曲,我们可以看到这首歌被诸如Sunnery James和Ryan Marciano以及Ibiza俱乐部的Kryder的名字所震撼。

5.阿尔卑斯Arps 126 BPM(未来之家)干净而简单。添加优美的旋律和一些变化,这有加热的潜力!

托马斯·纽森(Thomas Newson)One Shots&FX:这是示例包的一部分,您可以在其中探索自己的极限,并可以真正使用该包中提供的声音和示例。有11个文件夹,可以显示和讲述很多内容。

63 x背景和效果
30 x低音打击
35 x军鼓
31 x合成器
11 x崩溃
30 x刺
31 x拍手
80 x踢
50 x Percs
32 x帽子
30 x汤姆斯
托马斯·纽森·沃克斯(Thomas Newson Vocals):这个包中很小但有用的一部分。不要指望Thomas签名的任何声音?但他确实提供了一些很酷的喊叫声,一次响声和循环乐句,这些乐曲对于使您的歌曲更完整并给他们一点额外的优势非常有用。

15 x喊一声
10 x人声循环

Thomas Newson预设:此包包含为不同插件制作的各种不同预设,这些预设代表了Thomas Newson的最佳表现:

18 x赛琳斯
10 x大量
9 x血清
5 x BazzISM2
5 x ES P(和声合成器)*仅适用于LOGIC PRO X
4 x Retro Synth *仅逻辑PRO X
Thomas Newson Midi文件:当我们有机会将Midi包装加入我们的包装时,我们总是感到非常兴奋,因为它直接将一些创造力从我们的艺术家手中转移到您和我们的男孩Thomas Newson辛苦了,分享了50多midi文件。

29 x音乐循环
21 x低音循环

1. 1001个样本和循环:(包括奖金包)


3. Midi包


An exclusive house music producer pack from Thomas Newson; master producer known from his iconic house tracks like ‘The Worker’, ‘Living 100’, ‘In The Club’ and of course his 2013 breakthrough record ‘Flute’; signed his music to all major electronic record labels, like Spinnin’, Armada, Musical Freedom, Insomniac and more.

This pack is big. It’s filled with all the 2020 house sounds & samples you need for your productions and unlike any pack you’ve ever seen; are you ready to dive in

With a pack featuring 1001 samples, 56 Presets, 65 Midi Files & Bonus Project File curated for cutting edge house music production, BIG is an understatement.

This pack has a really special bonus; a completely mixed and mastered project file.

Like any 789ten release, this pack comes with a lot of quality content.

The Sample Pack is divided into 4 separated folders:
– Thomas Newson Loops
– Thomas Newson Bonus Sounds
– Thomas Newson One Shots & FX
– Thomas Newson Vocals

Let’s take a closer look at the content that’s inside these folders.

Thomas Newson Loops: With over 9 different kind of loopers this section is the beating heart of the sample pack that represents the current sound of Thomas Newson.

Now one of our favorite parts of the sample pack, a free bonus addition for a limited time only,
The Thomas Newson EDM Signature Sounds: This represents the time when Thomas Newson exploded in his early days including kicks and samples from hits songs like ‘Flute’ & ‘Pallaroid’. We are thrilled to share a piece of electronic dance music history with you, with these iconic sounds.

Like we said. THIS SAMPLE PACK IS BIG. The Bonus EDM Signature Sounds Pack also comes with

Thomas Newson One Shots & FX: This part of the sample pack is where you can explore your limits and really can get to work with the sounds and samples that are given to you within this pack. With 11 folders there is a lot to show and tell about.

Thomas Newson Vocals: A small but useful part of the pack. Do not expect any vocals of Thomas signing ? But he did include some cool Shouts, One Shots & Loops that are very useful to round out your songs and give them that little extra edge.

The primary focus of this pack is the massive sample pack. But do not underestimate the presets, midi files & construction kits. If you are ever struggling to get inspiration or just want to play around with some fresh ideas these midi clips and construction kits, and presets are amazing.

THOMAS NEWSON PRESETS: This pack includes a variety of different presets made for different plugins that represents Thomas Newson at his best.

THOMAS NEWSON MIDI FILES: We are always really excited when we get a chance to include midi packs into our packs because it transfers a bit of the creativity directly from the hands of our artists to you and our boy Thomas Newson went hard, sharing 50 extra midi files.

PROJECT FILE: We are so grateful that we can offer something in return to our loyal customers so we got Thomas to include his project file of the Demo song for this Pack and we couldn’t be more happy to share this one with you! It is completely mixed and mastered so do not hesitate and grab this one today.

Project File Host Daw: Logic Pro X

Main Plugins Used In Project File: ArtsAcoustic Reverb, Brainworx bx_cleansweep, Waves CLA 2A, Waves CLA 3A, Waves CLA 76, Waves De esser, Waves H-Delay, Waves SSL Channel, Soundtoys Echo Boy, Dada Life Endless Smile, Fab Filter (Pro-C2, Pro-MB, Pro-Q2) AOM Invisible Limiter, Xfer LFO Tool, Maag EQ4, Magic AB V2, Mikron Reverb, SDRR2, Xfer OTT, Arturia SEM V, Cableguys Shaperbox, Raising Jake Studios SideMinder, SPL DeVerb, SPL Transient Designer, Cytomic The Glue, Cableguys Volume Shaper, Valhalla Room, Xfer Serum.


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