



这个令人难以置信的集合中的所有声音都以WAV格式出现,并具有可播放的采样器乐器音色,适用于Ableton采样器,NN-XT,Halion,Maschine,Kontakt,Motu MachFive,SFZ和EXS24。



1.05 GB
用于Ableton采样器,NN-XT,Halion,Maschine,Kontakt,Motu MachFive,SFZ和EXS24的采样器

Infinite Reflection’ is a captivating and outrageously inspiring collection of Electronica and Synthpop loops and samples. With a certain nod to the life changing synth aficionados that is the super group M83, but taken in a huge array of different sonic directions.

This divine sample library guarantees to soar above the competition and provide you with the most epic of sound palates available today. Imagine a landscape of delicious synths, evolving soundscapes and hands in the air ready lead lines.

Harnessing the power of numerous analogue beasts, live drum kits, cinema shaking drum machines, crunchy electric guitars and more arps than you could shake a stick at, this library really is packed to brim with stunning material.

Whether you’re searching for a rich, harmonic synthy chord progression or digging for some cavernous live drums, this pack has got you covered in all aspects. This pack is perfect for all producers, irrelevant of genre or style.

All sounds in this incredible collection come in WAV format, with playable sampler instrument patches for Ableton Sampler, NN-XT, Halion, Maschine, Kontakt, Motu MachFive, SFZ and EXS24.

As always, everything is 100% Royalty-Free, so add these exceptional sounds to your sample collection today.

Product Specifications:

  • 1.05 GB
  • 247 Loops
  • 177 One Shots
  • Sampler instruments for Ableton Sampler, NN-XT, Halion, Maschine, Kontakt, Motu MachFive, SFZ and EXS24


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