Fabfilter Timeless 3.0.0 WIN DUTCHLAB 8 MB

永恒3不要浪费时间,要进行调整。FabFilter Timeless是我的另一个最爱。我喜欢延迟,创造脆脆的调制延迟和创意效果的能力永远改变了我的混音!现在可用:FabFilter Timeless 3,这是我们屡获殊荣的磁带延迟插件的最新版本。永恒3(Timeless 3)引入了简化的新界面,五种反馈电路效果,更多的滤波器,多达16个延迟抽头,改进的滤波器和饱和算法,修订的预设库等。凭借其双延迟架构和无限的调制系统,它是您获得面包和黄油回声和壮观创意效果的首选插件。
从日常回声到繁琐的调制,FabFilter Timeless 3是一种通用的老式磁带延迟器,将完全满足您的日常延迟需求。凭借其独特的效果,滤波器,抽头样式和无限的调制选项,您可以轻松地将其变成终极的声音处理机!

NEW-多达6个过滤器,可以是原始的老式LP / HP / BP过滤器或Bell / Shelving / Notch EQ过滤器
新增功能-支持常见的Pro Tools硬件控制界面
撤消,重做和A / B开关功能,这些功能
可在VST,VST3,音频单元, AAX本机和AudioSuite格式


FabFilter Timeless 3延迟插件
FabFilter发布FabFilter Timeless 3延迟插件
现在可用:FabFilter Timeless 3,这是我们屡获殊荣的磁带延迟插件的最新版本。永恒3(Timeless 3)引入了简化的新界面,五种反馈电路效果,更多的滤波器,多达16个延迟抽头,改进的滤波器和饱和算法,修订的预设库等。凭借其双延迟架构和无限的调制系统,它是您获得面包和黄油回声和壮观创意效果的首选插件。

Windows 10、8、7或Vista
VST 2/3主机

Timeless 3 Don’t waste your time, modulate it. FabFilter Timeless is another favorite of mine. I love delay and the ability to create crunchy modulated delays and creative effects has changed my mixes forever! Now available: FabFilter Timeless 3, the latest version of our award-winning tape delay plugin. Timeless 3 introduces a streamlined new interface, five feedback circuit effects, more filters, up to 16 delay taps, improved filter and saturation algorithms, a revised preset library and more. With its dual-delay architecture and limitless modulation system, it’s your go-to plugin for both bread-and-butter echoes and spectacular creative effects.
From everyday echos to lush modulation FabFilter Timeless 3 is a versatile, vintage-sounding tape delay, which will fully satisfy your everyday delay needs. And with its unique effects, filters, tap patterns and unlimited modulation options, you can just as easily turn it into the ultimate sound-mangling machine!
Vintage filters and creative effects The stereo delay signal is routed through five unique effects and up to six analog-sounding filters, and then routed back to the input with adjustable feedback. Easily program your own delays using the well laid-out controls and interactive delay and filter displays.
Easy drag-and-drop modulation Easily setup ducking, wow and flutter, dynamic diffusion or more creative effects, using Timeless’s unique and versatile modulation system. Creating new modulation connections could not be easier: just drag and drop.
FabFilter goodies Finally, you get all the usual FabFilter goodies: perfectly tuned knobs, MIDI Learn, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, extensive help with interactive help hints, CPU optimization, and much more.

Key features:
IMPROVED – Fully redesigned, highly simplified interface, with an easy workflow and new modulation engine
NEW – Optional Drive, Lo-Fi, Diffuse, Dynamics and Pitch effects to creatively color the feedbacked delay sound
Analog tape delay or smooth time-stretching behavior when changing the delay time
NEW – Up to 6 filters, which can be either the original, vintage LP/HP/BP filters or Bell/Shelving/Notch EQ filters
NEW – Create rhythmic patterns using up to 16 delay taps, which can be controlled and modulated individually
IMPROVED – Improved the sound quality of overall feedback, the filters, and internal saturation
IMPROVED – Feedback and cross-feedback, and modulatable freeze option
Mid/side processing
NEW – Ping-pong modes
NEW – Live modulation visualization for targets and sources
IMPROVED – Carefully designed and curated factory presets, plus support for earlier Timeless presets
IMPROVED – Interactive delay and filter displays
GPU-powered graphics acceleration
IMPROVED – Various interface sizes and Full Screen mode
NEW – Curve control in EGs and transient detection in EFs
Easy drag-and-drop modulation with 50-slot modulation matrix
NEW – Supports common Pro Tools hardware control surfaces
Interactive MIDI Learn
Extensive help file with interactive help hints
Unique per-component presets for modulation sources and tap patterns
IMPROVED – Endless modulation options, with all the 16-step XLFOs, XY controllers, envelope generators, envelope followers and MIDI sources you will ever need
Smart Parameter Interpolation
Undo, redo and A/B switch features
Available in VST, VST3, Audio Units, AAX Native and AudioSuite formats

FabFilter release notes

FabFilter Timeless 3 delay plug-in
May 10, 2021
FabFilter releases FabFilter Timeless 3 delay plug-in
Now available: FabFilter Timeless 3, the latest version of our award-winning tape delay plugin. Timeless 3 introduces a streamlined new interface, five feedback circuit effects, more filters, up to 16 delay taps, improved filter and saturation algorithms, a revised preset library and more. With its dual-delay architecture and limitless modulation system, it’s your go-to plugin for both bread-and-butter echoes and spectacular creative effects.

Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista
64-bit only (normally also 32bit, not at this version but who uses 32bit anyway)
VST 2/3 host


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