RET | 05.2021 | 4.9 MB

Trident CB 9066数字版均衡器是原始软件的插件版本。它由原始的CB9066建模,并由Trident Audio Developments从头开始设计,它提供了受认可的EQ的准确,易于安装的软件模型。

Trident Audio Developments插件软件模型为Mac或PC上的任何数字音频工作站(DAW)应用程序做出了令人印象深刻的添加。提供VST3,AAX,AU(仅Mac)格式。


Trident Audio Developments的Digital Editions系列秉承了过去Trident原始舷外装备经典的精髓,从温暖的音调,冲头到无与伦比的外观,均采用突破性的DSP引擎和建模技术为数字世界忠实再现。


The Trident CB 9066 Digital Edition Equaliser is a Software Plugin version of the original. Modeled from an original CB9066, and designed from the ground up by Trident Audio Developments, it provides an accurate, easy to install software model of the revered EQ.

Trident Audio Developments Plugin software models make an impressive addition to any digital audio workstation (DAW) application, on either Mac or PC. Available in VST3, AAX, AU (Mac only) formats.

Downloaded separately, Mac and PC versions may be installed as a 7-day trial prior to purchasing and activating a license. A purchased license can be used on up to two systems or activation locations, on either Mac or PC.

The Digital Editions Series from Trident Audio Developments embrace the very essence of what made the original Trident outboard gear classics in the past, from warm tones, punch, to unmatchable presence, faithfully recreated for the digital world using ground-breaking DSP engine and modeling techniques.

Taking full advantage of this newly created signal processing technology ensures every Trident Plugin is among the most efficient and least CPU demanding Plugins available today, meaning multiple instances of Trident Plugins may be run at any time, with the least possible negative effect on your computer’s performance.


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