Team V.R | 18 May 2021 | 514 MB

TH-U是单个软件中世界上最大的模型集合,拥有239种以上的放大器,机柜,FX和麦克风模型,其中包括获得高度认可的制造商的官方授权模型。突破性的DSP技术的巅峰之作是,用户可以交换前置放大器电子管,功率放大器电子管,甚至可以更改随附放大器的自耦变压器。此外,随附的Rig Player捕获真实钻机设置的真实个性,并以令人难以置信的准确性重现其音调。TH-U凭借其简洁的用户界面,光速预设预览,真正的放大器变形和其他革命性功能,远远领先于吉他放大器模拟曲线。但是,如果您认为与TH-U一起工作是爆炸性的事情,那么它的音质将为您提供绝对的便利。


•Amp Tweak技术可让您通过更改前置放大器和功率放大器电子管模型以及模拟动作来调制放大器静脉曲张
•Rig Player(具有20个工厂装备),可让您重现通过捕获真实设置创建的装备模型。
•带有ReSPiRe 2技术的高级音箱仿真
•可用的移动版本。请参阅TH-U iOS …
•革命性的IR处理器v1.4 SuperCabinet中的
•v1.3中的新增功能集成到机柜模块中的Double IR Loader(双IR加载器)


钻机模型(R2M)专有技术使Overloud工程师能够采样和捕获整个钻机的响应,包括放大器,机柜,麦克风,麦克风前置放大器和房间声音的非线性和动态响应。使用“模型到装备”技术,您可以捕获模拟和数字设置。集成到TH-U中的Rig Player允许您重现采样装备的任何细微差别。



•15个新放大器(共92个),包括Superlead和Superbass型号,Polytone爵士放大器和DVmark Triple 6头。
•Rig Player(具有20个工厂装备)–再现通过对真实工作室和舞台设置进行采样而创建的装备模型。
•全新的FX –微光混响和微光延迟。

•MF T&B008。
•MF T&B 3经典。
•ChopTones Fried BE50D。
•ChopTones Brit 1987X。
•ChopTones FEND EDGE。
•ChopTones VOCS 30C1。
•ChopTones Rand Sanat。
•ChopTones Suur Cus 100TP。
•ChopTones Pivy65。
•ChopTones Brit 1959 RR。
•ChopTones Bogna XTC。
•ChopTones Boogie RK6L6。
•ChopTones Fend Brit J1前置放大器。
•ChopTones Ornage DA30T。
•ChopTones Fried Lilbox。
•LRS Eddied EL34。
•ChopTones Brit 800 ZW。
•Choptones Fend Bass50。
•Choptones Archer 100W 6L6。
•Choptones Brit 900 2C EL34。
•Choptones Bogna Sushi。
•Choptones Yamhano T100。
•BHS Studio Ace。

TH-U is the world’s largest collection of models in a single software, boasting over 239 models of amps, cabinets, FX, and mics including officially authorized models of highly-prized manufacturers. The culmination of breakthrough DSP technology allows users to swap pre-amp tubes, power amp tubes, and even change the variac of the included amps. In addition, the included Rig Player captures the authentic personalities of real rig setups and reproduces their tones with unbelievable accuracy. With its ingeniously simple user interface, speed-of-light preset preview, true amp-morphing and other revolutionary features, TH-U is way ahead of the guitar amp-simulation curve. But if you think working with TH-U is a blast, you’ll be absolutely floored by how good it sounds.

The New Frontier Of Guitar Amp & FX:

239 models! Get the world’s largest collection into your computer and mobile device
•Includes both the amp modeling and the amp capturing technology
•89 guitar amplifiers and 4 bass amplifiers. See full model list…
•50 guitar cabinets and 2 bass cabinets
•77 pedal and rack effects
•18 microphone models, with up to four mics on each cabinet
•More than 1000 presets covering all musical styles + FREE PRESETS every month! See them…
•Randall®, DVmark®, Brunetti® and THD® authorized models approved by the original manufacturers
•Amp Tweak technology, allows you to mod the amplifiers by changing the preamp and poweramp tube models, as well as simulating the action of a variac
•Rig Player (with 20 factory rigs), allows you to reproduce rig models created by capturing real setups
•One entire preset bank dedicated to bass.
•4th generation analog emulation technology, with proprietary nonlinear processing algorithm
•3D, gap-less positioning of microphones and room simulation
•Advanced cabinet emulations with ReSPiRe 2 technology
•Built-in convolver to load external guitar cab IRs
•Flexible sound chain with split point for parallel processing
•Fully customizable MIDI control for live usage
•BREVERB and SpringAge based reverb effects
•Full compatibility with TH3 user presets
•More than 8000 captured rigs, from the world’s largest library!
•Mobile version available. See TH-U iOS…
•NEW in v1.4 SuperCabinet, revolutionary IR processor, included
•NEW in v1.3 Scenes allow to instantly recall different models configurations in the preset.
•NEW in v1.3 Enhanced cabinet module with Fluid Convolution
•NEW in v1.3 Double IR Loader integrated into the cabinet module

Rig To Model
TH-U is able to load rig profiles created by sampling real setups.

The Rig To Model (R2M) proprietary technology allows Overloud engineers to sample and capture the response of an entire rig, including the nonlinear and dynamic response of the amplifier, the cabinet, the microphones, the mic preamplifier and the room sound. Rig To Model technology lets you capture both analog and digital setups. The Rig Player, integrated into TH-U, allows you to reproduce any nuance of the sampled rigs.

Amp Tweak
Thanks to its innovative DSP technology, TH-U features a new panel that lets you change the pre and power tubes models, as well as simulate the action of a variac. This lets you mod any amplifier model with an almost limitless combination of tubes and opens the product to new sound capabilities.

The New Frontier of Guitar Amp & FX Software
TH-U is the reimagination of Overloud’s highly acclaimed TH3 amp modeling software. TH-U features 239 models, the world’s largest collection, in a single plug-in. Building on the powerful features of TH3, TH-U adds:

•15 new amplifiers (92 total), including the Superlead and Superbass models, Polytone jazz amplifiers and DVmark Triple 6 head.
•14 new cabinets (52 total).
•Rig Player (with 20 factory rigs) – reproduces rig models created by sampling real studio and stage setups.
•Amp Tweaks – modify amplifiers by changing preamp and poweramp tubes, as well as simulating the action of a variac.
•Brand new FX – Shimmer Reverb and a Shimmer Delay.
•Built-in convolver to load external guitar cab IRs.
•An improved and redesigned Cabinet IR module.
•A new multitrack looper.

Expand TH-U with Rig Libraries. TH-U’s Rig Libraries are a perfect way to add more tones and styles to TH-U:
•British Classics.
•American Classics.
•Vintage Collection 1.
•Vintage Collection 2.
•Brit Silver Jub.
•MF T&B 008.
•MF T&B 3 Classic.
•Mad In Italy MK50.
•LRS Unchained.
•ChopTones Fried BE50D.
•ChopTones Brit 1987X.
•ChopTones FEND EDGE.
•ChopTones VOCS 30C1.
•ChopTones Rand Sanat.
•ChopTones Angel Scream.
•ChopTones Suur Cus 100TP.
•ChopTones Pivy 65.
•ChopTones Add A MP1.
•ChopTones Bogie MKV.
•ChopTones Tone Impera.
•ChopTones Carved Vai.
•ChopTones Brit 1959 RR.
•ChopTones Bogna XTC.
•ChopTones Boogie RK6L6.
•ChopTones Fend Brit J1 Preamp.
•ChopTones Fend Trem63.
•ChopTones Ornage DA30T.
•ChopTones Bogie JPC2.
•ChopTones Fried Lilbox.
•LRS Eddied EL34.
•Bass Rigs Vol. 1.
•BHS Sold.
•ChopTones Brit 800 ZW.
•Choptones Fend Bass50.
•T&B Puncher.
•Choptones Archer 100W 6L6.
•Choptones Brit 900 2C EL34.
•LRS Reverend G.
•Choptones Bogna Sushi.
•Choptones Yamhano T100.
•Choptones Leny IRT120.
•Choptones Bogie Fill50.
•Choptones Fried Betty.
•BHS Studio Ace.


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