Team FLARE | 17 May 2021 | WiN: 25.3 MB | MacOSX: 75.6 MB






我们还看到了这些插件有多少无用/重复的代码。它们本来可以不到15 MB,但是由于所有这些无用和重复的代码,其大小几乎增加了3倍,并且性能极差。动画真的有必要吗?



This plugin has been our secret sauce for getting drums to hit super hard for quite a while now.

DIABLO is a drum enhancing tool that provides several features for pinpoint control over character and tone, in addition to getting your sounds to hit as hard as possible.

With its 7 unique processing modules, you can find yourself using DIABLO in tons of different mixing situations.

*Diablo is 64 bit only

FiXED: Plugin now works and has sound going in and out.

We found out that the Cymatics plugins need either a or plugin.status file to work. Our release eliminates that and works without them, so basically an unlimited fully functioning trial.

We also saw how much useless/duped code these plugins have. They could’ve easily been less than 15 MB but with all this useless and duped code the size is almost 3x bigger and with terrible performance. Are the animations really neccessary?

Cymatics if you’re reading this, do something about that otherwise you’ll be losing a lot of customers.

Also includes the preset expansion which can be found in Presets Menu > User Presets > Diablo Expansion inside the plugin

Big Thanks to Team R2R for providing us their custom Windows Installer Script!


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