Glue是一款高质量的模拟插件,基于E系列和G系列SSL 4000总线压缩机之间的交叉,具有一些附加功能。它使用与电路仿真程序包相同的高质量算法,但针对实时使用进行了优化。它快速且易于使用,界面整洁。




经过测试,在maOS Catalina和Big Sur上工作

The Glue is a high quality analog modeled plug-in based on a cross between an E and G series SSL 4000 buss compressor with some additional features. It uses the same high quality algorithms used in circuit simulation packages but optimised for real time use. It’s quick and easy to use and has an uncluttered interface.

Additions include an ultra-fast attack time of up to 0.01mS and a Range knob which backs off the compression to give incredibly natural sounding attacks and limits the maximum amount of compression applied. Also included are external sidechain support and an adjustable side-chain highpass filter.

v1.4.2 (14 January 2020)
• New: Changed trial limitations to only save when authorised, instead of only loading when
• Fixed: Prevented data loss when loading and saving songs when plugin is not authorised. If the
plugin is authorised, and saves data to a song, then the plugin becomes un-authorised (eg new when
loading on a new machine), the plugin will still load the saved data from the song, and save that
exact same data back to the song so settings won’t be lost.
• Fixed: improved machine id generation on macOS and Windows

Special thank to HEXWARS for keygen, and the anonymous for script.

Tested, working on maOS Catalina & Big Sur


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