
Afroplugin是一个基于样本的虚拟乐器(ROMpler),包含总共120种声音和10个预设。 乐器采用12打击垫架构,其中每个预设包含12个鼓和打击乐样本,分布在所有打击垫上。

Afroplugin与MIDI控制器(但不是必需的)一起是锻炼和创建Afro和Urban Dance节奏的好工具。


每个打击垫/样品都有其音量,平移和ADSR包络的控件。 其他控件是全局控件,适用于混响,饱和度和音高。

开发人员说Afroplugin是第一个版本(测试版),您可能会遇到一些错误。 但是向我们保证,它与几乎所有流行的DAW都兼容。

Afroplug has announced the release of Afroplugin, a free drum VST instrument aimed at Reggaeton, Dancehall, Zouk, Afrobeats and similar music styles.

Afroplugin is a sample-based virtual instrument (ROMpler) containing a total of 120 sounds and 10 presets. The instrument has a 12-pad architecture, where each preset contains 12 drum and percussion samples spread across all pads.

Afroplugin alongside a MIDI controller (but not mandatory) is a great tool to exercise and create Afro and Urban Dance rhythms.

The demo below doesn’t properly highlight the sound of this drum VST – to make a clearer impression, look for the audio demos on the plugin page.

Each pad/sample has its controls for volume, pan and ADSR envelope. The other controls are global and apply for reverb, saturation and pitch.

The developer says Afroplugin is at its first version (beta) and you might encounter some bugs. But assures us that it is compatible with almost all popular DAWs.


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