Klevgrand Slammer v1.0.1 (MacOS) [MORiA]| AU | VST | VST3 | 115.54 MB

• 30种多采样乐器,使用2000多个样本
• 12个插槽/乐器播放器,可进行单独调整
Mac OS 10.12或更高版本

Slammer is a multi-sampled drum plug-in that contains 30 different instruments made from a large number of carefully recorded and edited samples. Integrated custom-built real-time effects combined with some clever routing makes Slammer a versatile and flexible virtual instrument that is capable of rendering anything from natural acoustic to heavily distorted and compressed drum sounds. Each sound can be customized with a wide array of settings like pitch, filtering, effect sends, decay time, velocity mapping and much more. There’s also a “Dirt” section for distortion and compression, a reverb and tone control. The amount of “dirt” and reverb can be tweaked individually for each instrument. On top of all, Slammer comes with a set of factory presets, covering anything from light and slick to heavy and gritty. If you’re looking for a drum instrument, giving you ‘instant gratification’ from the first hit, this is it.
• 30 multi-sampled instruments using more than 2000 samples
• 12 slots / instrument players with individual tweaking possibilities
• Compression and Distortion section (dirt) with 8 different dist algorithms
• Reverb with several presets
• Plenty of factory presets
• Global tone control
REQ: Operating System
Mac OS 10.12 or higher


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