denise God Mode v2.0.0 Regged WiN MacOSX-FLARE| WiN: 5.47 MB | MacOSX: 7.71 MB

推挽技术 一种新的,创新的,更好的失真方式,上帝模式利用了传奇的模拟Pultec EQ(50年代的无源电子管装置)的启发而推挽技术,该技术在70年代和80年代广泛用于两种广播和混合。Pultec EQ会将特定频率范围的增益“推”到其电子管电路中,然后再将其“拉回”,以平滑频率响应。这会产生接近原始声音的声音,但会在提升的频率范围内增加温暖感。上帝模式引入了该技术的现代版本。



器通过灵活的均衡器图为驱动器的声音着色。通过使用线性相位滤波器,God Mode具有原始的音质,可以并行使用或创建完美的同相干/湿混音。



Push-pull technology
A new, creative & better way to distort

The God Mode makes use of a push-pull technology inspired by the legendary analog Pultec EQ, a passive tube eq from the 50s, widely used in the 70s/80s for both broadcasting and mixing. The Pultec EQ would ‘push’ the gain for a certain frequency range into its tube circuit, and would then ‘pull’ it back again, to smooth out the frequency response. This creates a sound close to the original but with a nice warmth added to the boosted frequency ranges. The God Mode introduces a modern version of this technique.

Push-pull technology
Push-pull technology gives you full and continuous control over the coloration of your drive and saturation effects. You decide where to drive your sound.

Don’t drive alone
Choose and mix between 3 drive types.

Color the sound of your drive with a flexible equalizer graph. By using linear phase filters, the God Mode has a pristine sound quality and can be used in parallel or to create a perfectly in-phase dry/wet mix.

Be creative while applying drive to your mix elements. The God Mode lets you pan the dry and wet signal independently of each other, allowing for interesting effects and creative stereo placement.

Create rhythmical drive with the side-tape
God Mode lets you connect a side chain signal that controls the amount of tape distortion. This lets you distort one channel using another, allowing for all kinds of rhythmical distortion effects.


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