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Dragon Fire引入了音调压缩:一种新奇且更轻松的方式来驯服和为音轨的动态着色。 最重要的是,我们的Shape技术可让您精心雕刻压缩器算法本身的风格和行为。


为了驯服您的轨道动态,Dragon Fire提供了一种新方法,该方法易于使用带有推挽图的均衡器。 增添声音的趣味并切入混音从未如此简单。


开箱即用的Dragon Fire提供了许多经典的压缩机类型,但是为什么不更进一步,设计自己的压缩机样式呢? 从老式过渡到透明,最后创建具有硬膝盖,VCA打孔效果的OPTO风格压缩机,并在顶部添加一些变压器风味。


Dragon Fire introduces Tonal Compression: a monstrous new and easier way to tame and color the dynamic of your tracks. On top of that, our Shape technology allows you to finely sculpt the flavor and behaviour of the compressor algorithm itself.

How to use the push-pull graph

To tame your track dynamics, the Dragon Fire offers a new approach that has the ease of use of an equalizer with its push-pull graph. Flavoring your sound and cutting through the mix has never been easier.

Sculpt your compressor

Out of the box the Dragon Fire offers many classic compressor types, but why not go next level and design your own compressor style. Go from vintage to transparent and finally create that OPTO style compressor with a hard knee, a touch of VCA punch, and add some transformer flavor on top.

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