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借助Perfect Plate TXVerb™供电技术,变得超自然

denise Perfect Plate混响的目的是以超自然的音质以超自然的方式轻松地操纵您的音轨。 Perfect Plate XL对确定板声音的关键方面提供了精确的控制,从而为形状和组合板混响样式提供了新的可能性:使鼓听起来像油轮中的声音一样巨大,使人声具有经典梦幻的老式混响效果或它们听起来像是在立体声场中旋转的共鸣合成雄蜂。我们利用完美室中的TXVerb™技术来做到这一点,该技术被许多工程师誉为最佳自然混响器。为了进一步超越传统混响的范围,我们添加了量身定制的效果以与我们的核心TXVerb™技术无缝配合。我们向您挑战,要让共鸣器,驱动器,旋转器和失谐变得超自然-不要忘了内部避雷器!


Go supernatural with the Perfect Plate TXVerb™ powered technology

The goal of the denise Perfect Plate reverb is to easily manipulate your tracks in supernatural ways with supernatural sound quality. The Perfect Plate XL offers refined control over the key aspects that determine a plate’s sound, resulting in new possibilities to shape and combine plate reverb styles: make drums sound huge, like played in a oil tanker, give vocals a classic dreamy vintage reverb or make them sound like a resonating synth drone that rotates in the stereo field. We do this by utilizing our TXVerb™ technology known from the Perfect Room, praised by many engineers as the best natural reverb out there. To go even further beyond the realms of traditional reverb, we added tailor-made effects to work seamlessly with our core TXVerb™ technology. We challenge you to go supernatural with the resonator, drive, rotator & detune – and don’t forget about the internal ducker!

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