作为Drum Snapper的远亲,它具有相同的态度以提高音源的Attack(攻击力),但是通过增强声音攻击部分的某些频率区域的能力来扩展它。



SpikeQ is a frequency based transient shaper.
As a distant cousin of Drum Snapper, it features the same attitude for increasing the Attack of a source, but expands it with the ability to enhance certain frequency areas on the attack portion of a sound.

Do you have a source that is too buried in a mix
Do you want to make certain frequencies pop
SpikeQ enables you to add huge boosts of eq but not making them too boomy and loose (in the low end) or too splashy (in the high end).

• It features 4 semi-parametric eq bands (low and high shelves and 2 peak bands);
• 2x Amount to use on sources with low dynamic range or to have extreme effects;
• A Clipper to avoid big spikes on the audio;
• Oversampling for the clipper section, to avoid aliasing;
• Attack and Release controls to shape the behavior of the transient shaper;
• Output gain (pre-clipper);
• Dry/Wet control to mix between the processed and unprocessed signal;


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