Year / Release Date : 07.2018 – 11.2019
Developer : AngelicVibes
Developer’s site : AngelicVibes
Format : VSTi
Bit : 64bit
Tabletka : Ne required
System Requirements : Windows 7 +


808 Bloodline –我们将808几乎推到了极限,发出了各种各样的声音。我们从头开始精心制作了每个808,确保为您提供各种声音。从重击和低过滤子枪管到基本808和更多饱和的怪物。血统将是您将添加到所有部位的秘密调味料。

Description :
Uphoria is one of the hottest rompers for trap, hip hop and R&B producers. It was created by AngelicVibes and represents a whole new world of sound. He is committed to helping you create the very best music. With its professional sound design and stunning user interface, Uphoria outperforms many VSTs for today’s maker. Take this opportunity and let Uphoria breathe life into your music!
He is different : At present, everyone basically has the same sound libraries and writes the same thing. We wanted to stand out, but sound modern and please the new producers of hip-hop and trap, while adding our own special atmosphere. It is hard to find one library where you will like all the sounds, and we tried to do it! The plugin is designed to bring hundreds of creatively designed sounds to your workflow that you can use to create your own sound. Whether you are a producer, beatmaker or composer, Uphoria will amaze you!
Sounds : Uphoria contains over 200 factory presets created by experts and sound engineers to give you the highest quality sound in the industry. The plugin includes a wide range of instruments from deep filtered basses, melodic bells, atmospheric effects and divine pads to amazing guitar samples, acoustic pianos, tropical mallets and much more!
Over 200 factory presets : Uphoria comes with a beautiful, rare and unique sound library. You get everything
from synthetic sounds to real recorded instruments.
New modern look : Unlike many VST plugins, Uphoria has a very modern and streamlined look. It was designed with an easy user interface. It really stands out from the rest.
Effects and Modulators : Uphoria comes with many built-in effects and modulators that you can use to
Manipulating each sound using reverb, filters, etc.
Future extension packs : We will be releasing inspirational extension packs that will contain a wide range of sounds and instruments: from vocal effects, flutes, percussions, drum kits and more!

808 Bloodline – We pushed the 808 almost to the limits and made a wide variety of sounds. We carefully formed every 808 from scratch, making sure we provide you with all kinds of sounds. From hard hits and low filtered sub-barrels to fundamental 808 and more saturated monsters. Bloodline will be the secret sauce that you will add to all your bits.

• AngelicVibes – 808 Bloodline
• AngelicVibes – Uphoria
• AngelicVibes – Elite Pianist 1.0.1
• AngelicVibes – NEO


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