WiN: Team R2R | 11.9 MB | MAC: Team R2R | v1.2.0 Regged FIXED | 9.98 MB

PSP 2445 EMT是一个混响处理器插件(对于Windows为VST,AAX和RTAS;对于Mac OSX为AudioUnit,VST,AAX和RTAS)受到两个传奇的早期数字时代混响器的启发:EMT®244和EMT®245。PSP彻底研究了如何将这些简单但非常有音乐感的混响的特定功能作为插件来实现。然后,我们通过一组方便的参数对原始文件进行了改进,以控制声音的细节并混合原始硬件中不可用的混响。 PSP 2445能够使用一个选定的引擎或同时使用两个引擎进行处理。

在PSP 2445中实现的混响算法基于Barry Blesser博士(数字音频革命的祖父之一)设计的原始算法。 PSP是PSP 2445 EMT的唯一开发商和制造商。 PSP 2445 EMT的功能和声音已经获得EMT Studiotechnik GmbH的认可和认可。 PSP负责所有客户支持。

PSP 2445 EMT立即进入我的产品和混料中。我最喜欢的混响以一种支持性且不会分散注意力的方式拥抱音轨。使用此插件的感觉就像我在机房中有EMT单元一样。丰富,复杂和密集,这个混响插件永久存在于我的混音模板中。

修复了先前版本中偶尔出现的GUI崩溃的问题。当通过Fusion SDK访问iLok驱动程序后,尝试执行某些加密功能时,会发生异常。 preQursor2中未编码此行为。看起来他们每次都添加新的保护措施。


在我们对PSP / iLok2的最后一次攻击之后,PSP开始使用PACE的Fusion SDK编写定时炸弹。您可以看到由于Fusion集成,文件大小比以前更大。 PSP表示,由于保护兼容性的原因,他们转回了PACE,但在看到这个炸弹之后,我们真的对此表示怀疑。

PSP 2445 EMT is a reverb processor plug-in (VST, AAX and RTAS for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, AAX and RTAS for Mac OSX) inspired by two legendary early digital age reverberators: the EMT® 244 and the EMT® 245. PSP thoroughly researched how to bring the specific features of those simple, yet very musical sounding reverbs to life as a plug-in. We then improved from the originals with a handy set of parameters to control details of the sound and mix the reverb not available in the original hardware. The PSP 2445 is capable of processing using one selected engine or both of them simultaneously.

The reverb algorithms implemented in PSP 2445 are based on original algorithms designed by Dr. Barry Blesser (one of the grandfathers of the digital audio revolution). PSP is the sole developer and manufacturer of the PSP 2445 EMT. Functionality and sound of the PSP 2445 EMT have been endorsed and approved by EMT Studiotechnik GmbH. PSP is responsible for all customer support.

The PSP 2445 EMT immediately found its way into my productions and mixes. My favorite reverbs hug the track in a way that is supportive and not distracting. Using this plug-in feels like I have the EMT units in the equipment room. Rich, complex and dense, this reverb plugin lives permanently in my mix template.

v1.3.0 FIXED – R2R Note:

Fixed occasional GUI crashing in the previous release. The exception occurs when it tries to do some cryptographic function after the iLok driver access via Fusion SDK. This behavior is not coded in preQursor2. It looks like they add new protections everytime.

* No iLok driver is required to run.
* Our release uses less memory and loads faster than original.

After our last attack to the PSP/iLok2, PSP started coding timebombs using PACE’s Fusion SDK. You can see file size is bigger than before due to the Fusion integration. PSP said they moved back to PACE due to the protection compatibility reason, but we really doubt it after seeing this timbebomb.


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