Spitfire Audio North 7 Vintage Keys KONTAKT | 14.9 Gb


由会议专家演奏的四个1960年代和1970年代原始维修过的经典老式键盘,由伦敦的一位顶级工程师通过一条豪华的信号路径进行录音,从而为电子钢琴提供了真正的“烈性人”感觉。然后,由我们的Spitfire工程师制作的原始深度样品经过键盘演奏者的详尽测试,以得出最真实的响应。 North 7 Vintage Keys出现在Spitfire极为流行的eDNA引擎中,为您提供了将这些来自20世纪的经典信号转化为21世纪的潜力。由我们自己的内部代办人Christian Henson设计的大量预设,这些只是对这次合作潜力的一瞥。 North 7 Vintage Keys具有特色,氛围和其他同类古董库一样,它为您提供了将这些经典作品制成自己的范围。

经过多年的尝试,研究和灵魂探索,Spitfire终于将手转向了老式电子钢琴,风琴和其他奇特物品中行之有效的道路。 “我们能有所作为吗?”我们问自己。通过简单地将Spitfire精神应用到我们如何记录其他所有内容,而放弃了富裕的生活,我们感到可以做到。

烈性人自豪地宣布我们希望成为一个美好联盟的开始。 N7的工作室和作品都位于新的巨大音乐产业中心。伦敦国王十字(Kings Cross)的Tileyard Studios,是欧洲同类博物馆中规模最大的工作室。制片人兼工程师西蒙·昌格(Bjork,David Gray,Jamiroquai和Finlay Quaye)身处这一创新和经验的大熔炉中,不仅本身就是一支才华横溢的人,而且还是工程喜,,他用最好的碎片和精湛的工艺建造了一个工作室。伦敦工作室的场景被淘汰后,珠宝散布在全市。欢迎来到N7工作室。

这是我们今天伦敦最好,最原始地维护的唯一信号路径的第一个停靠站。西蒙与North 7 Vintage Keys项目的长期合作伙伴是键盘向导和制作人肖恩·哈格里夫斯(Ella Eyre,娜塔莉·恩布鲁格利亚,迈克尔·布布尔,艾莉森·莫耶特,特雷弗·霍恩),但丝毫不亚于西蒙。肖恩拥有我们所知道的最原始的经典键盘乐器收藏之一。

In true Spitfire fashion, we take 4 vintage keyboard workhorses and create a definitive, deep sampled, musical rendering of these classic instruments. The finest maintained Electric Piano, Stage Piano, Electric Keyboard Bass & Electric Clavichord, by the finest of players via a unique, classic and unbeatable signal path by an engineering great.

Four pristinely maintained classic vintage keyboards from the 1960s and 1970s performed by a session giant and recorded by a top London-based engineer through a sumptuous signal path to give a truly ‘Spitfire’ take on electric pianos. Deep and pristinely crafted samples by our Spitfire engineers were then exhaustively tested by keyboard players for the most realistic response. North 7 Vintage Keys is presented in Spitfire’s incredibly popular eDNA engine, to provide you with the potential to take these classic signals from the 20th Century and warp them into the 21st. With a host of presets designed by our own in-house funkateer, Christian Henson, these offer a mere glimpse at the potential of this collaboration. Characterful, vibey and like no other vintage library of this type, North 7 Vintage Keys offers you the scope to take these classics and make them your own.

After years of experimenting, researching and soul searching, Spitfire finally turns its hand to the well trodden path of vintage electric pianos, organs and other curiosities. “Could we make a difference?” we asked ourselves. By simply applying the Spitfire ethos to how we record everything else, with affluent abandon, we felt we could.

Spitfire are proud to announce the beginning of what we hope will be a beautiful union. N7 studios and productions are based in the new immense music industry hub; Tileyard Studios in Kings Cross, London, the largest of its kind in Europe. Among this melting pot of innovation and experience sits producer and engineer Simon Changer (Bjork, David Gray, Jamiroquai, Finlay Quaye) not only a talented force in his own right but an engineering magpie, who has built a studio from the finest fragments and polished jewels scattered citywide after the decimation of the London studio scene. Welcome to N7 studios.

This was our first port of call for the finest, but most pristinely maintained unique signal paths in London today. A long time collaborator of Simon and partner in the North 7 Vintage Keys project is Sean Hargreaves (Ella Eyre, Natalie Imbruglia, Michael Buble, Alison Moyet, Trevor Horn) a keyboard wizard and producer, but no lesser Magpie than Simon. For Sean has one of the most pristinely maintained collections of classic keyboard instruments that we know of.


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