雨后钢琴被录了下来,汤姆等着听。特别是《Mule Variation》专辑,(太棒了!)我爱上了那张唱片上的钢琴声音,并决定在那一行做些什么。










– 24bit 44.1立体声采样

你将需要至少Kontakt 4完整版本!

The Rain Piano was recorded after some extensive Tom Waits listening. Specially the ”Mule Variation” album, (great stuff!). I fell in love with the piano sound on that record and decided to make something in that line.

After long discussions with our piano technician:

Me: ”I want the piano to sound like it’s been out in the rain for a few days”

Piano Tech Guy: ”?????????”

We got a concept worked out where we set up the piano so that it would produce a lot more overtones but still be working with other, properly tuned, instruments.

That was about 10 years ago, and even though it was released as a straightforward, 16-bit sample library without any release samples, it became a kind of a synonym for character pianos. It has been used, and is still used on countless productions where you want something that adds a different flavor rather then using a ”normal” piano.

Since the samplers has been become more advanced and the Rain Piano still are one of our most popular pianos, we decided to bring it up to date and add some functions in the line of the original ideas.

So, we got the original master recordings out, (and they where in 24 bits), made some refinements to them and built the instrument from scratch.

We also added hammerback and pedalnoise samples and release samples.

Then we added our True Resonance feature and used Kontakts scripting facilities to make Real Time/True Pedaling, Sympathetic Resonance and some other nifty features, and, Voila: The Rain Piano MkII!

– Up to 11 velocity levels
– True Resonance
– TimeVel Release Technology
– Sympathetic Resonance
– Controllable volume for key/pedal noise
– Controllable volume for Sympathetic Resonance and True Resonance
– 24 bit 44.1 stereo samples

You’ll need minimum Kontakt 4 FULL version!


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