Torsion is a new dark hi-tech sound library packed with cinematic sound effects, tempo locked synths, stutter-stingers, tonal feedback, signature braams, hits, downers, low end whooshes, vocals, rise-crescendo, reverse and comes with 300+ wav samples and 86 kontakt instruments.

As many SampleTraxx’s soundpacks, Torsion features a strong off center sound signature with its hi-tech cinematic edge and has been produced from the ground up with the most demanding sound designer, audio artist and composer in mind. The sound of Torsion can perfectly cover different genres of the audio production, from movie trailer to score, advertisement, cutting edge electronic music, audio/video installation, experimantal music, sound effects production and much more.


The front panel of Torsion features lp-hp resonating filters, adsr stages for both filters and amplitude, dual reverb which is a combination of classic reverb and convolution. This is great to add textures and personalise your sound.

Effect section include a very aggressive distortion unit, saturation and punch stages, delay and eq.

The distortion unit is gritty and very aggressive, combining a british amplifier with a voice-level bitcrusher.

The saturation unit features the high quality algorithm of kontakt.

The punch effect is a transient shaper, a kind of compressor used to control the attack and the sustain portion of a sound and which world great for drums, percussions, impacts, guitars, pianos and other sounds with a fast attack.

On top of that you can find the advanced rhythmic programmer that can work as an arpeggiator, a polyphonic sequencer or a gater.

Another key features in Torsion is the stack mode-voicing control which increase the number of voices per note played at the same time. On a single key you can play a different number of sounds to create chords of samples for more rich and layered ensembles.

A analog emulated 4-bands parametric equalizer. Low and high are shelf type, while low mid and high mid are bell type.
The resonant delay unit combines a delay based tunable resonator and a tempo synced stereo delay.


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