Team DECiBEL | 28 Apr 2020 | 18.92GB


该乐器将为任何类型的配乐找到理想的场所,例如My Piano,它适合爵士乐和古典音乐。我们已尝试考虑最柔和的动力。此外,借助我们的动态范围控制,可以轻松实现“ Thomas Newman”电影般的声音。除此之外,Scoring Piano具有出色的动态范围,使您可以播放任何类型的音乐。

我们的新乐器具有许多声音制作控件,EQ,混响,三个可混合的麦克风位置以及用于踏板共鸣和噪音的控件。我们避免包括奇特的效果,例如延迟,压缩器等。 Kontakt的这些效果的质量不仅有待商but,而且我们只是针对一台自然而有声的钢琴。





已安装20 GB(以NCW格式压缩)
使用Schoeps和AudioTechnica Mics和Millennia Media前置放大器采样
24位/ 48 kHz立体声

需要完整版本的Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5或更高版本
Windows XP / Vista /7。Intelmac和Mac OS 10.5或更高版本。
4 GB系统内存,高清5 GB可用空间

Scoring Piano is a Steinway Model B piano, sampled in a great studio near Florence, Tuscany.

This instrument will find a perfect spot for any kind of soundtrack and, like My Piano, for jazz and classical music. We have tried to take the softest dynamics particularly into account. Moreover, thanks to our Dynamic Range Control, it is very easy to achieve that “Thomas Newman” cinematic sound. In addition to this, Scoring Piano features a great dynamic range, enabling you to play any kind of music genres.

Our new instrument features lots of sound crafting controls, EQ, Reverb, three mixable mic positions and controls for pedal resonances and noises. We have avoided to include fancy effects, like delay, compressor and so on. Not only the quality of these effects in Kontakt is up to debate but also we have simply aimed at a great natural sounding piano.

Sympathetic Resonances
When you strike a single note with the damper pedal down, you hear a richer sound. This is the sympathetic resonance of all strings having some harmonics in common with the note you have pressed. This happens also when playing without pedal. If some notes are already down and some overtones are in common with the new note, they will resonate. These complex interactions are essential to a stunning lively piano sound.

Self Masking
In many libraries, when repeating a note with the pedal down, sustains usually build up, thus increasing polyphony dramatically. This taxes CPU and disk streaming and it can also lead to sound inconsistencies, like phasing, and a noticeable noise floor rise.
Our system compares each note with the previous one on the same key and determines which is the loudest. This is not a simple problem as the decaying part of a loudest note can be softer than the attack of a softer note. After the script compares the two notes, it discards the lowest by slowly fading it.

Mic Positions
The instrument features three mic positions: Close, Mid and Far. Close microphones are our favourite, with their peculiar dark sound. Mid microphones are terrific in combination with Far mics. The latter contribute to a sense of space for the whole mix.

For these reasons, it sounded natural for us to add a fourth Mix position: 100% Close, 50% Mid and 70% Far mics.

6578 Samples
8 included NKI presets
20 GB installed (compressed with in NCW format)
Sampled with Schoeps and AudioTechnica Mics and Millennia Media preamps
Three Mic Positions (Close, Mid, Far) + Mix Position
24 bit / 48 kHz stereo
From 7 up to 40 velocity layers per key (average 15 velocity layers per note)
Sympathetic Resonances and Pedal Resonances control for maximum control over instrument warmth
Release Samples
Equalizer, Dynamic Control and Convolution Reverb
Complete control over velocity response
Self Masking for polyphony control
Separate pedal down resonances and pedal noise control
Nice occasional crackles knob to emulate the realism of a live recording

Full version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5 or above is required
Windows XP / Vista / 7. Intelmac and Mac OS 10.5 or higher.
4 GB System Ram, 5 GB free on HD


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