Mercury Lite | KONTAKT – 3,12 GB

水星FX | VST AU AAX | MAC / WiN x86 x64-46 MB
Mercury Lite使您成为Mercury钢琴的心脏,但对于那些资源有限的人来说,负担却更少。 旨在减轻重量,但保留完整的声音和表达能力。
Mercury Lite将所有5个麦克风位置组合在一个音频文件中。 由于Kontakt不必一次处理那么多声音,因此不仅可以节省80%的磁盘大小,还可以节省CPU消耗。 我们将所有麦克风位置合并为单位增益,与在Mercury Pro上将所有麦克风位置启用为0dB时的声音相同。 与2轮循环重复,相同的效果(包括Metropolis Plates)和设置相同,该版本是专业版的最佳钢琴库。

循环赛:2x。 NB高达6倍。
Mercury Lite需要Kontakt FULL 5.5.2或更高版本!


Mercury FX | VST AU AAX | MAC/WiN x86 x64 – 46 MB
Mercury Lite gives you the heart of the Mercury piano but with less load for those who have limited resources. Designed to be lighter but retaining full sound and expressive capabilities.
Mercury Lite features all the 5 mic positions combined in a single audio file. That saves not only 80% of disk size, but also CPU consumption as Kontakt doesn’t have to handle that many voices at a time. We merged all the mic positions with unity gain, same sound as when you have all mic positions enabled at 0dB on Mercury Pro. With 2x round robin repetitions, same effects (including Metropolis Plates) and settings as the pro version, this is the best piano library you can find at this price point.

Mic Positions: 1 (All in one)
Round Robin: 2x. Up to 6x with NB.
Velocity Layers: 8
Samples: 4,784
Mercury Lite requires Kontakt FULL 5.5.2 or newer!


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