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Randy的“准备钢琴”是Cinesamples艺术家系列的又一个重要补充,在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的MGM计分舞台和好莱坞计分工作室舞台上录制了三架钢琴。它具有洛杉矶录音室音乐家Randy Kerber使用的各种扩展技术。
几年前,在The Bridge的录音会议上,我们录制了Nami的Theme,这是Randy Kerber(钢琴,Randy的Celeste)和Amy Tatum(长笛)之间的宽敞钢琴二重奏。在其中一个休息时间里,兰迪开始在钢琴内弹奏一些博物馆腻子,为乐器赋予了细腻,掩盖和暗示性的水下音调。这种声音非常聪明而且与众不同,我们决定完全根据兰迪在二重奏中间准备的钢琴技巧来制作扩展的钢琴独奏。
PEDAL VOL:调节钢琴踏板机构的音量。默认为精致的踏板动作。单击“硬”以采取更积极的行动。
HAMMER VOL:调节键锤动作的音量。
有5种混合视角:完全,关闭A,关闭B,关闭C和房间。完全混合是Close C和Room的组合。关闭A,B和C是不同的麦克风对,每个麦克风对都提供独特的纹理。
在每个混音下方,您可以使用左右滑动条将其样本播放提前或延迟+/- 100ms。每种混音都允许左右互换(LR),相位反转(Ø),立体声加宽(选择Haas或Mid / Side),左右声像,混响发送(PRE-或POST推子)和增益。
在混音器的顶部,有一个标记为01 Full Mix的下拉菜单。单击该按钮可以在混合预设之间进行选择。创建自己的文件并将其另存为.nki。
CineSine LITE是由简单的正弦波和调谐的粉红噪声组成的附加补丁。尝试将其添加到Randy的“ Prepared Piano”中,然后尝试我们的MULTIS。它与全方位贴片搭配得很好,给人温暖,身材和持久感。您可以关闭和打开正弦波和粉红噪声并分别更改其音量。 CineSine LITE提供了标准的ADSR包络,磁带饱和度和立体声宽度(这更适用于正弦波而不是粉红噪声)。
Randy的“ Prepared Piano”是为Native Instruments的Native Kontrol Standard(NKS)格式编写的脚本。
适用于Kontakt 5.6.8及更高版本的免费版本。

Another great addition to Cinesamples’ Artist Series, Randy’s Prepared Piano is a collection of 3 pianos recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage and Hollywood Scoring Studios Stage in Los Angeles, California. It features various extended techniques used by Los Angeles studio musician, Randy Kerber.
Several years ago at a recording session at The Bridge, we were recording Nami’s Theme, a spacious piano duet between Randy Kerber (piano, Randy’s Celeste), and Amy Tatum (flute). During one of the breaks, Randy started playing with some museum putty inside the piano, giving the instrument a delicate, masked and suggestively underwater tone. It was such a clever and unusual sound that we decided to build an extended piano solo completely out of Randy’s prepared piano techniques in the middle of the duet.
We always spoke of recording a sample library of those sounds and more, and this year, we finally got around to it. Renowned for his sensitivity and tone, Randy is one of the greatest film musicians of all time. Though he mostly composes music now, we were able to get him down to the studio to lead this project. We recorded the following sounds:
– Rubber Mallets on the strings
– Finger Muted strings
– Dimes placed between the strings
– Museum putty to create harmonics
– Fingered harmonics
– Light chains on the strings
– A metal bar placed between the strings
– Ping pong balls on the strings
– Hitting the cross bars
– String zingers (scraping the strings)
– Many dual piano samples
Articulation Selector
On the top-right is a pull-down menu of the various articulations. There are separate Instruments for each articulation as well.
PEDAL VOL: Adjusts the volume of the piano’s pedal mechanism. The default is a delicate pedal action. Click “Hard” for a more aggressive action.
HAMMER VOL: Adjusts the volume of the key-hammer action.
DYNAMIC RANGE: Lower levels increase the volume of softer samples. Higher levels increase the difference between soft and loud samples.
Apply a 4-band EQ to each mix perspective separately. Choose the mix perspective, then adjust the gain and frequency for each band. The high and low bands are shelves. Keep in mind – resetting the EQ on one mix perspective will not reset the EQ on the others. Check other active mix perspectives to see if the EQ is active.
There are 5 mix perspectives: Full, Close A, Close B, Close C, and Room. The Full mix is a combination of Close C and the Room. Close A, B, and C are different microphone pairs, each offering a unique texture.
Below each mix, you may advance or delay its sample playback +/- 100ms using a left-to-right slider. Each mix allows for a left-right swap (LR), phase invert (Ø), a stereo widener (select either Haas or Mid/Side), left-right pan, reverb send (PRE- or POST-fader), and gain.
Also included in the mixer is the REVERB type and return and an ATTACK setting to soften the attack of each note rendering a more cinematic sound. Higher ATTACK values will reduce the volume of the sound.
At the top of the mixer, there’s a pull-down menu labeled 01 Full Mix. Click on that to select between mix presets. Create your own and save it as an .nki.
The piano recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage has similar and different articulations. Its interface is a scaled down version of the same functions.
CineSine LITE is an additional patch made of a simple sine wave and tuned pink noise. Try adding it to Randy’s Prepared Piano and try our MULTIS. It pairs well with the full-range patches giving an added warmth, body, and sustain. You can turn off and on the Sine wave and the Pink noise and change their volumes separately. CineSine LITE offers a standard ADSR envelope, tape saturation, and stereo width (which applies better to the sine wave rather than the pink noise).
Randy’s Prepared Piano is scripted for Native Instruments’ Native Kontrol Standard (NKS) format.
Works with the FREE version of Kontakt 5.6.8 and above.


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