Featuring a female vocalist of Japanese descent, SORA is the first of four and certain to unleash your creative genius. Though the vocal phrases in use do not include actual words of meaning, the soloist sings with an indigenous tongue and the user is creating the illusion of language. Lebanese, Pakistani and Norwegian vocalist will be available in future installments of Native Voice.

: Vocal Tools Phrase Control

Vocal Tools Phrase Control is a sophisticated power tool designed to ease the burden of the working composer. Most aspects are done behind the scenes or on the fly. Once again, Bela D Media offers a new and exciting level when working with the sampled voice. With this insightful and user friendly script, the user has control without guess work.

Audio – Studio

Studio dry-environment
Historic Church IRF included
Near microphone positioning
Recorded via the Neumann U-87 via Pro Tools HD
24 bit audios

Vocal Tools Phrase Control

Vocal Tools Phrase Control is a sophisticated power tool designed to ease the burden of the working composer. Most aspects are done behind the scenes or on the fly. Once again, Bela D Media offers a new and exciting level when working with the sampled voice. With this insightful and user friendly script, the user has control without guess work.

Jukebox style phrase sequencing ; (See, control and sequence what you hear!)

  • Drop down menu displaying musical key of every phrase
  • Drop down menu with phonetic spelling of every phrase
  • Mod wheel controlled sample offset for linear phrase manipulation
  • Pitch Bend wheel assigned to sample speed offset (slowing and speed-up) ,

for subtle tempo manipulation

  • Multi verse creation banks
  • 12 storage locations
  • 16 steps per self created vocal movement
  • GUI controllable attack and release per vocal element
  • GUI controllable vocal EQ and Effect
  • GUI controllable Impulse Response church reverb
  • Bypass for a studio dry environment
  • Requires KONTAKT v5.6.5 or higher.


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