P2P | WAV, REX | 6.40 GB | P2P | KONTAKT, AiFF | 3.85 GB

Big Fish Audio and VIP Loops are proud to present Lion. Lion is a cutting-edge Reggae loop library with over 6GB of original content. All that content packed into 16 construction kits makes for a truly unique library with more flexibility than you can imagine. Each Construction Kit has a folder of “Derivative Loops” that allows you to switch out parts for unlimited variety and endless song to song possibilities. Lion contains every element you need to create amazing original Reggae and dance tracks, including live drum stems, drum kit one shots, and all musical loops. With so many options and various performances of each instrument, the tracks in Lion are a producers dream, putting you behind the wheel of a full-album recording session and letting you put the pedal to the metal.

Lion has been formatted in all the industry standard file types: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV and REX. Every piece of commonly used hardware and software will be compatible with at least one of these fully developed and usable formats.

Each audio file has been expertly cut and edited to loop perfectly, and has been recorded in the highest quality 24-bit rate to ensure absolutely top quality end results.

If you work primarily with Apple products, be sure to utilize the extra loop tagging functionality in Garageband and Apple Logic as well as Apple’s proprietary time stretching and pitch bending algorithms.

If you’re working inside Protools, Cubase, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live, Sony ACID, or any other DAW on the market, the Acidized WAV files are the perfect fit for time stretching and pitch bending capabilities. The Acidized WAV files can also be used as standard WAV files in almost any music tool in production today.

Beat-makers and artists who love sampled melodic slices can take advantage of our REX/RMX format that utilizes all the powerful programming found in Stylus RMX and the Dr. Octo REX player in Propellerheads Reason.

16 Huge Reggae Construction Kits with over 6GB of original content – KONTAKT version

6.48 GB Total Content:

– 1,447 Total Patches
– 41 Kit Combo Patches
– 27 Single Instrument Patches
– 1,345 Sliced Loops Patches
– 32 Drum Track Stem Patches
– 1 Drum Kit Hits Patch


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