V Collection 是Arturia公司推出的一套虚拟乐器合集,包含了旗下16款经典键盘乐器和1款全新的总控应用——Analog Lab。

合成器、风琴、电钢琴,这些都是键盘乐器。除了经典的模拟合成器、风琴和电钢琴外,Arturia还在这个合集中破天荒地加入了物理建模的钢琴乐器——Piano V。所以,用“虚拟键盘乐器”来形容这套合集的内容再合适不过了。

V Collection 可以说是合成器玩家理想的一站式解决方案,囊括 60 年前到现在的合成器。Arturia 得奖无数的模拟技术确保能够最真实的还原设备组件产生的效果,重现了合成器的灵魂,这是采样所无法达到的。所有的模拟完全没有使用到采样,完完全全的重新这些硬件的乐器,只要扭动旋钮或者进行弹奏,用户可以感受到和原本硬件一样的感觉。

Arturia 在原本功能的基础上进行了提升,加入了很多设备的原开发者都没想过的功能 — 比如为单音合成器加入复音功能。超过 5000 个来自声音设计师打造的预设,用户可以通过 Analog Lab  迅速寻找到最想要的音色。

File size: 6.54 GB
This is the most comprehensive anthology of classic synth and keyboards ever made. This is decades of passionate research, modelling, and development. This is your chance to take your place in music history. This is V Collection 7. 24 timeless instruments lovingly recreated in software, and modernized with contemporary features. They were cutting edge in the 60s, mind-blowing in the 70s, awe-inspiring in the 80s, they’re at the heart of today’s hits, and they’ll help you shape the sound of tomorrow.

Main Features
Includes 24 software titles: Mellotron V, Synthi V, CZ V, Analog Lab, Clavinet V, CMI V, DX7 V, Buchla Easel V, Synclavier V, B-3 V, Mini V, Piano V, Stage-73 V, Matrix-12 V, Farfisa V, Solina V, SEM V, Wurli V, Jup-8 V, ARP 2600 V, CS-80 V, Prophet V, VOX Continental V, Modular V
Each virtual instrument in the V Collection can be used as a stand-alone application or as a NKS (except Analog Lab,Mellotron V, Synthi V, CZ V and B-3 V), VST, AU or AAX plug-in
High resolution graphic interfaces, compatible with very large displays
All instruments share a common interface for browsing, editing (save, import, export, …)
Easy MIDI mapping to any keyboard controller.
In app tutorials allowing to quickly understand the instruments.
Easy install and licence manager : Arturia Software Center.
More than 8000 high-quality and innovative sound presets.
Analog Lab – All presets of the V Collection 7 can be browsed and edited from a single interface
Arturia’s proprietary technologies, TAE® and Phi, ensure that each instrument sounds and behaves exactly like the original.

New in V Collection 7
Mellotron V
This original instrument redefined what keyboard players could do, unlocking the doors to orchestral and choral sounds at the touch of a key.

The budget synth that became a legend in its own right. The instrument that brought the digital synth revolution to the masses is now at your command.

Synthi V
The quirky British “silver machine” that put a new spin on modular synthesis, reborn in software with exciting new tricks up its sleeve.

Analog Lab 4
Personalize your own perfect keyboard, with thousands of amazing presets, perfect integration, effects, and a built-in live mode. Your go-to choice for inspiration.

B-3 V 2
Our recreation of Hammond’s legendary organ has received a total sound engine overhaul, making it the most authentic, vibrant electric organ virtual instrument ever.

800 brand new, modern sounds created for legacy V Collection instruments. The hottest synths and chart-topping keys are yours to explore.

Platform: WiN64 – EXE/VST/VST3/AAX


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