Team DECiBEL | 27 Dec 2019 | 4.78GB

“ LO.VE.钢琴”不只是“另一个钢琴样本库”。这是特别的东西-专门为柔和而亲密的演奏而制作的钢琴。




该库具有多达12个速度层,大小为6GB,并保留了非常清晰的声音,同时保持在“ p”至“ mf”的动态范围内,而不会出现“浑浊”或“ washy”。



爱情钢琴使用具有12个力度层的Yamaha C7三角钢琴录制。因为我们是为写“柔和的”和“精美的”钢琴线条而设计的,所以它仅从“ p”变为“ mf”,而不再适用。




需要Kontakt 5.5.0的完整零售版或更高版本-与Kontakt Player不兼容


The “LO.VE. Piano” is not “just another piano sample library”. This is something special – a piano that’s been created specifically for soft and intimate playing.

It sounds beautiful, rich and intimate, while retaining its clarity and character, even at low velocities, making it perfect for film/TV/underscore/drama and so much more.

The “LO.VE.” Piano – LOw VElocity Performance
The Love Piano was an experiment – what would happen if we recorded a grand piano to be used specifically for soft playing?

The result was more beautiful than we imagined – a beautiful, rich and intimate sound, full of character and nuance, that retains is clarity even at low velocities.

With up to 12 velocity layers, the library is is 6GB in size and retains a very well defined sound while remaining in the dynamic range of “p” to “mf” without getting “muddy” or “washy”.

It’s absolutely perfect for Newman-esque playing, film/TV/game underscore, drama, ambient music and so much more.

This is a very unique library that we believe will become your main tool for writing beautiful, intimate piano music.

12 Velocity Layers & Player Noises for Added Realism
The Love Piano was recorded using a Yamaha C7 grand piano with 12 velocity layers. Because we designed it for writing “soft” and “delicate” piano lines, it goes only from “p” to “mf” but no further.

In addition to the standard recording, we also recorded some natural “player” sounds that are heard when performing to give a more organic and realistic sound:

hammer “back” sounds (release) – the sound of the hammer mechanic when releasing a note. This adds a lot of intimacy to the instrument.
pedal sounds – both pedal up and pedal down samples are included and triggered automatically
Want a cleaner sound? No problem – just use the “Noise” volume knob to reduce or completely turn off the additional “noise” samples.

18 beautiful reverb IR choices are also included – ranging from rooms and studios to halls, arenas and more. These were all chosen specifically to offer the most beautiful and lush sounds.

Why its awesome:
Designed specifically for soft, emotional, intimate playing
18 beautiful reverb IR samples to chooe from including rooms, studios, halls, arenas and more.
6GB of samples
Incredibly simple to use with a minimal interface
Dial in or out the additional “noises” for more/less of an intimate sound
Full of character and emotion
Remains clear and crisp even at very low velocities without getting muddy
Perfect for any style of music including film, tv, game underscore, drama, ambient music and more
Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.5.0 or higher required – not compatible with Kontakt Player

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