P2P | KONTAKT: 1.66 GB | WAV: 1.63 GB | AiFF: 1.6 GB | REX: 1.07 GB This massive 5.8 GB (2.3 GB of 24-bit WAV files) collection of Indie and Alternative songwriter guitar styles is a celebration of groups like The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men, The Head and Heart, Mumford and Sons, Fun, Alabama Shakers, Florence and the Machine, The Avett Brothers, Fall Out Boy, Queens of the Stone Age, Civil Wars, Temper Trap, Young Novalis, Imagine Dragons, and many more. Guitar Sessions: Indie and Alternative Guitars contains 25 construction kits with each and every kit containing three to five different and unique guitars. Styles of guitars include acoustic strumming, acoustic picking, mandolins strumming, mandolins picking, slide guitars, steel guitars, clean electrics, distorted electrics, riff and heavy guitars, ambient guitars, effected guitars, muted guitars, and many more. As part of the Xtended Series, each and every kit also contains multiple song sections (verse, chorus, bridge/breakdown, turnaround and outro) allowing for virtually unlimited options; giving you everything you need to tweak to your hearts content. Guitar Sessions: Indie and Alternative Guitars comes in the following formats: Multi-Format (Apple Loops, REX, WAV, RMX, Acid and DAW Sessions) and KLI (Kontakt 4 and 5 Instrument). Explore your inner songwriter and create tracks never before realized and make music that stands out! Guitar Sessions: Indie and Alternative Guitars Kontakt version is part of our KLI Series and includes a custom user interface with various features to help make it easier to customize the included loops and sounds exactly how you want. You’ll find all loops automatically sync to your host tempo. Each loop is presented in three different ways. First, with the “Kit Combos” you’ll find each loop as part of a complete construction kit laid out across the keyboard for easy and quick arrangements. Second, in the “Single Instruments” you’ll find the various guitars grouped together; giving you the option of having the construction kits’ content in just a few instruments. Third, each loop has its own patch in the “Sliced Loops” section with our custom loop editing interface. Rearrange, remix, or completely rework each loop to fit with your music exactly how you want. Finally, we have included a demo section for quick auditioning of the entire library. Formatted for EverythingACID, Apple Loops, REX2, RMX, and WAV DAW Sessions IncludedLogic, Pro Tools, Cubase, OMF Massive Collection of InstrumentsAcoustic and Electric Guitars


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