REQUIEM PROFESSIONAL is the next-generation virtual choir developed for professional composers featuring 3 microphone positions (5.1 compatible), full ensemble, divisi male/female and 5 solo singers. The solo singers have four microphone positions, including a new Close Microphone.

The library is based on a variety of new recording- and sampling techniques some which have never before been deployed in choral sample libraries. The library can literally sound like a real choir and includes both full choir (SATB), divisi groups (males/females) and solo singers – all recorded in 24 bit / 44.1khz with 3 (5.1) microphone positions. The library contains true (polyphonic) legato intervals from piano to forte, sustains from piano to forte, staccato with repetitions, ultra forte marcato, BPM (host-synced) based latin chants recorded at different speeds across entire interval of choir, +1000 choral effects including whispers, shouts, clusters, demonic chants, sweeps, consonants without tone, claps, snaps and over +50 different types of effects.

REQUIEM was recorded in one of the most famous cathedrals in San Francisco and has the natural sound and acoustics of this world-class stage.

New Content

The new Requiem Profession contains a massive amount of updates, including:
All patches have a completely new and more refined UI design
All legatos have been polished and refined
All marcato now come both looped and natural versions
All patches have a new comprehensive FX interface, including 2 parallel convolution engines
All patches now include direct access to all microphone positions
All solo vocal patches include a fourth “close” microphone position
All patches contains an expanded output matrix designed for ideal 5.1 mixing
All patches using X-Fade have been greatly improved using equal power crossfades
All patches come in three variations: memory light, kontakt 4 standard and optimized kontakt 5
All patches have been optimized using lossless compression (.ncw)


Price: $569
Deep sampled epic choir
Over 15.500 samples (14.5GB)
Direct download / Cloud Server System

Core Specifications

4 Microphone Positions (5.1)
True Legato (PP/MF/FF)
24 Sustains, Staccato, Marcato with RR
42 Slow & Fast Phrases w/ host-sync
5 Solo Singers

Core Requirements

Full Retail version of Kontakt 4.2 or later required
14.5GB harddrive space
Ability to download
PC 2.4GZ+, 4GB ram
MAC 2.6Ghz, 4GB ram


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