Team DECiBEL | 09 Jun 2020 | 7.34GB








18.8 GB未压缩到7.97 GB
需要Kontakt 5.8(或更高版本)的完整零售版本

The 8Dio Century Orchestral Series is the definitive state-of-the-art collection of hyper-realistic orchestral instruments. Century continues to represent our most significant leap forward in hall based orchestral sampling to date.

Ostinato Strings Chapter II is the sequel to our short and flowing note repetition based string instrument – Ostinato Strings. This latest edition continues the series by taking the concept of deep-sampled phrase-based string repetitions and builds upon it with fifteen in-depth and articulate ostinato string figures, each one effortlessly playable and undeniably musical.

Ostinato Strings Chapter II features a dynamically arranged ensemble with a carefully auditioned and selected strength of 6 Violins, 6 Violas, 4 Cellos and 4 Double Basses creating a fully cinematic yet diverse sound. Each section was independently recorded to allow for ultimate flexibility and customization in the production process. This collection of instruments perfectly captures the essence and realism of many iconic ostinato based string patterns used in modern cinema, making this latest chapter the perfect companion to any orchestral palette.

Each figure is not only available across an instrument’s musical range, but is also fully host tempo synchronized, allowing you to play these uniquely accurate phrases in a way that can perfectly fit your composition or production. Utilizing our “poly-time” legato mode also offers you the ability to change a phrases sequence or recorded pitch mid-way through the pattern, allowing for an almost endless array to the number of rhythmic and tonal possibilities.

The entire Ostinato Strings series was painstakingly captured at 96 kHz before being carefully down-sampled to 48 kHz for ease of streaming. Each recording session also featured only the very best in recording equipment, ensuring an almost purely analog signal path and carefully managed workflow. Not only to preserve and enhance the clarity and tonal character of each instrument but to truly honor the sound, presenting you with only the best virtual instruments have to offer.

Century is more than a collection of sample libraries to us. It is an emotional and distinctively realistic series of deeply-sampled instruments. It marks our continued endeavors to bring you the best that large scale hall sampling can offer.

From superheroes to adventurers, high-paced action to swarms of foes, Ostinato Strings helps you add the driving force and a sense of dynamic realism to any score.

18.8 GB uncompressed to 7.97 GB
Ultra Deep-Sampled String Ostinatos
Fully Tempo-Synced to DAW Tempo
Dynamically Controllable with Velocity and Round Robin
6 Violins, 6 Violas, 4 Cellos & 4 Basses
4 Advanced Microphones Positions (Mixed, Decca, Close & Far)
Custom Browser w/ Built-In Articulation Matrix
Custom Convolution, Microphones, EQ and Chaos FX
Product only available as Direct Download
Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.8 (or later) Required


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