P2P/Team PAP | 29 May 2020 | 2.87GB

SOLO VIOLIN DESIGNER虚拟乐器VST是由著名音乐会小提琴家Thomas Yee演奏的超过4000个短语的大量集合。该库的目的是通过创建令人难以置信的音乐短语集合来采样完全真实的独奏小提琴。我们对库进行编程的方式使您可以最大程度地控制乐句,并且可以让您雕刻100%逼真的独奏小提琴演奏。它是故意设计用来支持,扩充并在某些情况下替代现有的独奏小提琴库。本质上,该库可以接管正常的多样本(例如连奏,延音)无法执行的地方。这就是我们所说的深层短语采样。

SOLO VIOLIN DESIGNER带有多种乐句雕刻工具,包括音高控制,时间拉伸/时间压缩,采样偏移(可让您“滚动”到任何乐句并触发其任何部分,FX和卷积混响)。音高控制不受速度的影响,因此,通过控制音高,时间拉伸/压缩和采样偏移,您可以从本质上调整该短语以使其与乐曲的音高和速度相匹配。


重要说明:SOLO VIOLIN DESIGNER是基于短语的。如果您想要多采样小提琴,请查看我们的Adagio小提琴,其中包含基于循环长奏的Solo小提琴。

价格:$ 198
需要Kontakt 5.5的完整零售版或更高版本

SOLO VIOLIN DESIGNER Virtual Instrument VST is a massive collection of over 4.000 phrases performed by renowned concert violinist: Thomas Yee. The intention of the library was to sample completely realistic solo violin by creating an incredible collection of musical phrases. We programmed the library in a way that gives you maximum control over the phrases and literally allows you to sculpt 100% realistic solo violin performances. It was deliberately designed to support, augment and in some cases replace existing solo violin libraries. Essentially this library takes over where normal multi-samples (ex. legato, sustains) can’t perform. This is what we call deep phrase-sampling.

SOLO VIOLIN DESIGNER comes with a variety of phrase sculpting tools, including pitch-control, time-stretching / time-compression, sample offset (which allows you to “scroll” into any phrase and trigger any part of it, FX and convolution reverbs. The pitch-control is not affected by tempo, so by controlling pitch, time-stretching/compression and sample offset you can essentially adapt the phrase to match the pitch and tempo of your composition.

In addition we added a variety of other features. You can control the dynamics, attack and releases of each sample. You can control the EQ (high, mids and lows), Gates and Filter. You can also control a variety of FX directly from the keyboard, including bit-resolution, delay, reverb, distortion, rotator and we added a beefy collection of custom convolution reverbs.

Important Note: SOLO VIOLIN DESIGNER is phrase-based. If you want multi-sampled violin please check out our Adagio Violins, which contains round robin legato based Solo Violin.

Price: $198
Deep Phrase-Sampled Solo Violin
Direct download / Cloud Server System
Product only available as download
4.000+ Solo Violin Phrases
169 Programs in 39 Core Categories
Time-Stretching and Pitch Control
Deep controls and Convolution Reverb(s)
Programmed individually for K4 & K5
Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5 or later required


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