Mimi Page Light & Shadow is the perfect hybrid of soft, angelic female solo vocals and lush, ethereal atmospheric sound-design, featuring the feather-light soprano voice of singer-composer Mimi Page. Designed for film & game composers/sound-designers, this collection includes a full selection of chromatic articulations, melodic phrases and exquisitely sound-designed cinematic effects, pads and atmospheric elements. The lead vocal content is intuitively playable and the phrases and effects are easy to use in any project, making this library an ideal source of inspiration that’s perfect for nearly any music or video production need that comes your way. It all combines into a complete, efficient and deeply-refined toolbox that comes fully equipped with our flexible and full-featured user interface.


Mimi’s otherworldly vocal style effortlessly fuses ambient, dream pop, EDM, and cinematic vocal styles. This library includes 4,413 samples, exploring the two extremes of her creative style: Light and Shadow. The chromatic content features sustain, staccato and true legato chromatic articulations for the Ah, Ee, Mm and Oo vowels. It also includes 1,295 live tempo-synching melodic phrases conveniently organized by mood, key and tempo. This library goes far beyond the realms of the “norm” with an extended collection of hand-crafted sound-designed atmospheric content created by Mimi herself, divided into angelic, mystical, haunting and horror sections that are perfect for adding dreamy soundscapes, unnerving stingers and otherworldly underscores.


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