Vocalise is an evocative vocal experience. Heavyocity has combined the raw character of the human voice with their signature sound design capabilities to create Vocalise, an alluring collection of vocal pads and phrases. Speak emotional textures and musical performance palettes into your next cinematic composition with Vocalise, a truly unique virtual instrument from the makers of GRAVITY: Modern Scoring Tools.


With over 4 GB of production-ready content, Vocalise adds an emotional vocal component to the already-diverse GRAVITY family of instruments. Featuring an esteemed roster of professional vocalists, including Siobhan Magnus of American Idol Season 9, Vocalise delivers a sonic sound palette unlike anything else in your cinematic collection.




After amassing a talented lineup of professional vocalists, Heavyocity headed into the studio to meticulously capture moving vowels, phrases and ensembles. Leveraging the serene intimacy from Brick Hill Studios in Massachusetts and Heavyocity HQ in NYC, the award-winning sound design team went to work converting this dynamic source material into highly-stylized playable pads and phrases. In their first-ever dedicated vocal instrument, Heavyocity interprets the human voice in the way that only they can — creating a cinematic vocal experience unlike any other.


Heavyocity has armed you with a stable of professional singers, and an award-winning sound design team. What will you make


Expert Sound Design


It’s no secret that Heavyocity’s prowess for creating cinematic sound design content is unparalleled in the industry, and Vocalise is no exception. With precision processing and creative synthetic manipulation, these already-vibrant organic sound sources were given new life, and a commanding sonic voice.


Add a whole new center to GRAVITY, or feel the pull of Vocalise on its own. Either way, inspiration awaits.


Updated for NKS integration


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