Altus, the Voice of Renaissance
Often misunderstood and wrapped in mystery, the counter tenor is another milestone in Eduardo Tarilonte’s series of exceptional voices. Altus brings you a real counter tenor for your Renaissance and Baroque music productions, for films, documentaries, video games and new age music.

Unparalleled realism…Pure inspiration
Altus is a unique solo vocal library featuring José Hernández Pastor, a countertenor with a magnificent expression and a truly beautiful and unique voice.
Altus aims for easily creating your own ultra-realistic melodies, without using any phrases. Altus offers a powerful and innovative word builder which combines 26 words (136 elements including words and their syllables) with 5 true legato and portamento vowels (a, e, i, o, u), all at your fingertips in one patch.

Altus offers:

– 5 different true legatos and portamenti (a, e, i, o, u)
– a powerful phrase arranger with words, 2 different articulations (fast and slow speeds)
– words can be split into a total of 136 words/syllables
– words can be combined with true legato vowel playing while the corresponding vowel is automatically selected
– 130 beautiful phrases
– 15 soundscapes, created from vocal samples
– dry recordings allow you to match the reverb amount exactly to you needs

Altus introduces a great and innovative new feature, allowing you to connect any word with all 5 true legato vowels to build realistic melodies without using any pre-recorded phrases.

1.3 GB (lossless compressed) and over 3000 mono samples in 44 Khz / 24 bit.

With this update 1.1 we did some product maintenance and made these libraries fit for Native Instrument’s Komplete Kontrol standard. You can now take advantage of the Komplete Kontrol Keyboards and Software with these vocal libraries.

José Hernández Pastor is a singer specialised in early music, using his voice as a countertenor. He is considered a singer with a magnificent expression and a truly beautiful voice.
He was born in Valencia 1974 and entered the Schola Cantorum d’Algemesí in 1979 as a singer, where he started his musical studies with Diego Ramón I Lluch. In 1995 he obtained his degree as a piano teacher in the Official Music School of Valencia.
Besides his young age, he has already been conducted by Jordi Savall, Dominique Vellard, Joshua Rifkin and many more.
In his successful career as a countertenor, José has played many concerts across Europe like in the Kölner Philarmonie, the Konzerthaus of Vienna, and the Spanish National Auditorium.
In 1988 he and Ariel Abramovich (vihuela) founded the duet “El Cortesano” achieving great success.

Kontakt version 5.3.0 or higher required


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