Virtuoso High-Notes Performances
The expressive qualities of the trumpet are hard to fake. However, if your project requires the magic of a top-notch trumpet session player, recorded in an equally top-notch studio environment, then Trumpet Solos is for you. Trumpet Solos delivers the brilliant, expressive, sound of a lead trumpet in a collection of superbly played solos. All performances are provided by virtuoso player Gary Winters who played with Fred Wesley, George Clinton, Pee Wee Ellis, Bootsy Collins and Lenny Kravitz amongst many others. Trumpet Solos is perfect for funk and soul but, in the right musical context, can easily cross-over into genres such as pop, house, electronica or film scores.

Top Class Brass
Each solo is broken down into a convenient lick-based format and ready to be assembled in a perfect combination for your track. With over 400 individual loops and phrases, each between 1 and 8 bars in length, the 820MB of samples are organized into 21 tempo/key based folders for an easy workflow. Both open and mute trumpet performances are included. Original tempos span 90 to 124 BMP but, with Elastik’s powerful pitch and tempo manipulation tools, it is easy to craft just the phrase or solo needed to fit your project. In addition, the high-quality and consistency of the recorded sound across all the folders make it easy to mix and match phrases between folders if required.

Reach For The Stars In That Funky Universe
The library is ideal to build a complete, extended, solo, or simply to provide an individual ‘hook’ melody line. In either role, Trumpet Solos will bring that irreplaceable magic only possible with a top-class musician at the top of his game. This library also makes an ideal partner for our Funk Up Elastik title and complements the Saxophone Solos title. If you are reaching for the stars in that funky universe, Trumpet Solos delivers maximum class and a whole lot of highnotes.

Gary has recorded with artists like Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis, Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Lenny Kravitz, and also performed with many other notable artists.

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