


14″ Sultan Hi Hat
15″ Mystery Cymbal
16″ Alchemy Crash
16″ Power Crash
16″ Sweet Crash
18″ Sultan China
18″ Traditional Crash
19″ Medium Crash
19″ Traditional Crash
20″ Ride
21″ Crash
21″ Jazz Ride
21″ Flat Ride
21″ Turk Ride
22″ Agop Turk China
22″ Alchemy Ride
24″ Sultan Ride
28″ Factory Metal

Each cymbal was played at various tempos and with various sticks/beaters such as large and medium mallets, scrapes and super ball mallets. A variety of rolls were also recorded including short rolls, medium rolls, long rolls, soft rolls, loud rolls etc.

Cymbal Rolls was engineered and recorded by the incredible sound designer Rick Allen. The percussionist Jon Mattox (endorsed by Istanbul Agop Cymbals) who has worked on a huge range of films, trailers, TV shows and video games.

Technical Requirements and Specifications
– Standalone .WAV files included
– Recorded in high end 24 bit / 96k for crystal clarity on ProTools through Apogee AD16X converters
– Room mics used: Roswell Audio K47’s through UA4410 Pre
– Close mics used: JZ Microphones BT-201’s through UA4410 pre, X/Y mics: Schoeps CMC6’s with MK4 capsules through API3124+ pre, Earthworks MC30 reference mic under cymbal through API3124+ pre.
– 18 patches in total – one patch per cymbal
– 25 reverb IRs to choose including halls, chambers, cathedrals and a range of much more unusual ones
– Full Retail Version of Kontakt or higher required – NOT compatible with the free Kontakt Player


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