Best Service have released Artist Drums, a Native Instruments Kompakt based plugin instrument that features original drum kits from four of the worlds best drummers: Simon Philips (Toto, Jeff Back, Who, Pete Townshend), Dennis Chambers (Santana, Steely Dan, John Mc Laughlin), Kenny Aronoff (Joe Cocker, Ricky Martin, Mick Jagger) and Mel Gaynor (Simple Minds, Tina Turner, Robert Palmer, Gary Moore).

The samples were recorded and mixed at Galaxy Studios, Belgium, one of the worlds most technically advanced studios. With up to 24 velocity layers and excessive sample layering you have control over detailed playback and programming of each single instrument. The kit sizes are related to the artists individual drum kits and range from 200 to 350 Mb. Drum kits and cymbals used to create this include: Tama Drum kit, Pearl Drum kit, Yamaha Drum kit, Paiste Cymbals, Zildjian Cymbals.

In addition every kit contains dozens of MIDI files with complex grooves and fills. The MIDI files are a great source of inspiration and enable you to change tempo and feel. Artist Drums enables you can create truly professional drum song layouts.

Drum kits and cymbals used:

  • Tama Drum set Star Classic.
  • Zildjian K-Series Cymbals.
  • Custom made Pearl Drumset.
  • Zildjian Custom Series Cymbals.
  • Custom made Tama Drumset.
  • Zildjian Cymbals.
  • Yamaha Special Edition Drumset.
  • Paiste Cymbals


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