Swell is a performable Kontakt instrument and sound effects library designed to create natural sounding cymbal swells with a variety of different cymbals and performances.

We brought in a professional drummer to perform each of the swells and on during the recording sessions we covered a wide variety of cymbal shapes and sizes. Cymbals included gongs, orchestral suspended cymbals, crashes, chinas, sizzle ride, and others.

Great care was taken to record each performance with the highest sonic quality and detail. We chose a relatively reflection free space with a super low noisefloor and recorded through John Hardy M1 preamps for the big clean gain. Schoeps and Neumann mics were used to get full coverage of each cymbal.

Swell is divided into 2 parts: natural and designed.

The natural collection has recordings that are unaltered from their original performances and was created to produce clean, musical, natural sounding swells.

The designed collection uses samples based on the natural recordings that have been transformed into entirely new and different sounds using heavy processing and layering. It was created to produce interesting design and transition sounds quickly and easily. Swell includes over 200 fully designed rises.

In addition to the carefully recorded sounds we have created a truly useful and flexible kontakt instrument. This instrument ties the mod wheel to an entire matrix of effect parameters that you can manipulate in real time for instant complexity.


  • 24 bit 96k metadata tagged wav files
  • 500+ unique recordings
  • The entire “Natural” collection
  • The entire “Designed” collection
  • 6.5 total Gb of sounds
  • 12 Kontakt fully programmed unlocked .nki files


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