Ensemblia 2 Elektronika is a brand new flavour of our succesful Ensemblia Percussive line. Ensemblia is a complex 7 track Multi Beat Engine equipped with hundreds of beats and single sounds. Best suitable to easily create a wide range of rhythms. By using its easy-to-use Live FX feature you can shape the beats in realtime.

Over the last years we collected and recorded a huge amount of electronic as well as digital and noisy percussion sounds. We have captured sounds from various drum machines such as the Roland TR-808, TR-909 and CR-78 and several vintage preset machines. In addition we created sounds by setting up synthesizer such as Roland Juno 60, Prophet 5, Korg MS-20, Moog Minimoog and modular synths. Finally we generated lots of sounds by editing, manipulating different sound sources with modular and software sound processors.

The result is divers and versatile. It was very important for us to keep Elektronika versatile and cover a wide range of musical styles. Beside the major genre of Electronica you get sounds and beats corresponding to Downtempo, Minimal, TripHop, House, Futurebass, Techno/ Trance and Drum n Bass/ Breakbeat.

Ensemblia 2 Elektronika provides 215 single sounds in five categories: Acoustic, Machine, Processed, Distiorted and Glitch n Noises. In detail there are 26 hihats, 32 bass drums, 39 snares, 23 tom toms, 21 claps, 6 crash and 12 ride cymbals, 6 shaker, 7 blips, 20 noises, 9 glitch sounds, 14 tones, 8 textures and 6 noisetones. Beside that Ensemblia 2 Elektronika offers over 300 beats separted in 10 different genres which are Downbeat, Electronica, Futurebass, Mininmal, House, Tech Trance, Jungle ir DnB, Weird and Essentials.


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