Update: August 10th 2020 | KONTAKT – 7,8 GB



经过3年多的发展,Strezov Sampling的下一代合唱团系列的最后一章就在手边。从伍坦(WOTAN)和弗雷贾(FREYJA)开始——这是首个被取样的专注于女性声音之美的合唱团,ARVA标志着第一个被取样的儿童合唱团,这不仅仅是对女性和男性合唱团的一种奖励。


但不是这样的!如果我们告诉你ARVA由两个而不是一个唱诗班组成会怎样?你没听错。ARVA标志着第一个取样儿童合唱团图书馆包括男孩和女孩合唱团分别记录和分节(sopranos, altos)!

Arva最大的商标之一是其独特的连奏脚本,结合复调真实连奏采样与我们自己的音节的方法。音节的灵活连奏不仅允许用户玩连奏与每个音节在图书馆,但也具有智能语音领导,使复调写作在一个修补。换句话说:在左侧按下一个和弦,用右手弹奏一段旋律,并通过连奏过渡将其连接起来。这个强大的功能是可控的最常见的midi cc控制器,维持踏板。

除了敏捷的连奏Arva再一次也为每个divisi部分功能复调的真实连奏补丁(啊,Mm, Ooh, Mm-Ah, Mm-Ooh, Mm- oh)在图书馆,这给你大量的灵活性时,写连奏线。

3.5 Syllabuilder引擎



-复调的真实连奏(啊,Mm, Ooh, Mm-Ah, Mm-Ah, Mm-Ooh, Mm- oh-Ah)和灵活的连奏(10个音节)为两个合奏的每个分区
– 2个动态层+ 1个“faux”动态层记录10个强音节,平滑交叉衰落
– 3麦克风位置-关闭,台卡,大厅+自定义卷积混响



Starting from July 20 we are proud to announce that all of our Next Generation Choir Series products will be encoded for the Free Kontakt Player as well as powered by the NKS Control Standard. In addition to that every choir will receive one major free update adding Performance Patches as well as new features and small improvements over the next weeks. Each week will see a different choir in the spotlight.

The final re-release in our Choir Summer Special is ARVA Children Choir. Add some magic to your music and get ARVA Children Choir including two separately recorded boys and girls choirs as well as soloists for your arsenal.

About ÁRVA
Being in development for more than 3 years the final chapter of Strezov Sampling’s Next Generation Choir Series is at hand. Starting with WOTAN, the lowest and probably most powerful men choir ever sampled and FREYJA – the first sampled choir to focus on the beauty of the female voice, ÁRVA marks the first ever sampled children choir, which is more than just a bonus to the female and male sections.

Including the revolutionary Syllabuilder Engine first introduced with WOTAN, True Polyphonic Legato as well as the brand new Agile Legato, which allows you to play polyphonic legato with every syllable inside the library, ÁRVA benefits from every little secret discovered in a 4 years long journey of producing the most playable and realistic sounding choir libraries ever made.

But that’s not it! What if we told you that ÁRVA consists of two choirs instead of one? You heard right. ÁRVA marks the first ever sampled children choir library to include boys and girls choirs recorded seperately and in divisi sections (sopranos, altos)!

Revolutionary Legato
One of the biggest trademarks of Árva is its unique legato scripting, combining polyphonic true legato sampling with our very own Syllabuilding approach. The Syllabuilder Agile Legato not only allows the user to play legato with every syllable availabe in the library, but also features intelligent voice leading enabling polyphonic writing within just one patch. In other words: Hold down a chord in the left, play a melody with your right hand and have it all connected with legato transitions. This powerful feature is controllable by the most common of all midi cc controllers, the sustain pedal.

In addition to the Agile Legato Árva again also features polyphonic true legato patches (Ah, Mm, Ooh, Mm-Ah, Mm-Ooh, Mm-Ooh-Ah ) for every divisi section in the library, which gives you tons of flexibility when it comes to writing legato lines.

Syllabuilder Engine 3.5
When it comes to virtual choirs there are basically two approaches: Phrasebuilding (StormChoir series) and Wordbuilding (Rhodope series). Árva combines the simplicity and sample recording of phrasebuilding with the advanced editing functions of wordbuilding. This allows you to have amazing sounding results within seconds, but also to build and create new sample content with only few mouse-clicks. Create complete choral patterns inside the GUI or connect different syllables and morph them to add motion to your choir arrangements. Save and Load complete lyric presets to quickly get yourself into the actual composition or enhance your setup with predefined quick words.

All samples have their natural attacks included. However if you want to tighten them up the Syllabuilder Engine allows you to set custom attack, release, volume and offset values for each field independently. Something first introduced by WOTAN Male Choir and before that greatly missed in all phrasebuilding choir libraries.

Version 3 now features compatibility among all of our choirs included in the Next Generation Choir Series meaning you can exchange lyrics and presets, thus saving an incredible amount of time.

– Separately recorded boys and girls choir ensembles
– True Divisi recordings for boys and girls sections
– Boys and Girls Soloists with Polyphonic True Legato and Agile Legato
– Polyphonic True Legato (Ah, Mm, Ooh, Mm-Ah, Mm-Ooh, Mm-Ooh-Ah) and Agile Legato (10 Syllables) for every divisi section of both ensembles
– 10 powerful syllables recorded within 2 dynamic layers + 1 “faux” dynamic layer to smooth out crossfading
– Sustain (1xRR) and Staccato (2xRR) samples
– 3 mic positions – Close, Decca, Hall + custom convolution reverb
– The powerful Syllabuilder engine 3.0 with CONNECT and MORPH modes that allow you to create your own sample content within Kontakt
– Ability to Load and Save your lyrics, built-in preset manager
– Fully compatible with Wotan and Freyja
– Integrated manual

- Full NKS and Kontakt Player Support
- Update to the latest version of Syllabuilder engine with the latest functions
- Powerful Performance patch based on the engine of the one in Storm Choir Ultimate
- Velocity Dynamic Influencer
- Panning and stereo spread controls on each microphone position
- Advanced options for the Legato patches (niente, sustain pedal notes, remapping of controls)
- GUI changes
- Updated in-patch Manual
- Minor tweaks and improvements

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v5.7.1 and higher!


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